Ellie's eyes were bright as she heard this news, bordering a bit in Henry's opinion on mischievous. "You do like me well enough to want me as a sister?"

"I know our circumstances make that to be no longer possible, I am linked to you in a different way. However, I do have hope that when this is all over and we are separate. I hope that this task is done with to both of our satisfaction. With that feeling, that you can forgive me for my rash actions to keep me around as a valued friend. I would hate it after going through some much that you would feel our ties would be better severed. I would hate to meet you on the road as strangers. I'd like to smile and stop for a chat."

"That would be too bad, I agree. I don't think I would like that at all." Ellie shook his hand vigorously. "I think I'd like to be friends."