"I should not have done that, but you know I don't feel even the slightest bit of guilt. I'm not fourteen, the nerve of her to speak such matters to me in my own home in front of a guest just because she's the elder. I never feel like respect is warranted only due to age. "

"Have things always been this way?"

"Yes and no. Family is always quarrelsome. I'm not too fond of my father's family. Even less so after my mother died. There were always people who wanted to be my mother figure without asking my permission. I think I wasn't quite out of elementary school when she married my uncle. She wanted to grow closer to my father so she tried to take me under her wing to teach me manners and she started spanking me. I don't know how old I was but I ended up running around the house wihout pants screaming she was trying witchcraft right into one of my father's meetings. She was never invited back and I got a nanny I liked."