Nolan looked at Henry with thickly veiled admiration. His jealousy had been founded in the expected outcome. Henry Wong when he wanted to be was quite the charmer. Nolan couldn't help smiling back when Henry brought out his megawatt business mogul smile. It was the same practiced smile that Nolan had seen on Forbes but the effect in real life was much more effective at quelling his every emotion. It was as if everything made sense in the world which did feel nice, Nolan had to admit to himself. 

He bit back the smile, but could not control the curling of humor in his lips as he took Henry's offered hand. "I am very happy to meet this side of you, Mr Wong. I am Nolan Amadeus Wolfgang Chen. I am very glad to know you better as a brother and I am not unhappy that you choose my sister to help you when you did."