Nolan shook off the leaves that had drifted on to his lap from the breeze. They were itchy and messy like the thoughts he felt were clouding his mind and stopping him from being his usual straightforward self. Every little flick of leaf had to be off his pants. He needed perfect today, to mess up would not be an option. He looked at the dirt on the bench next to him and began to wonder. Janna Wu was a perfect ten rating in his book of the most attractive woman of his aquaintance. He knew that she probably would not see him as a good life partner, but maybe she could grow to appreciate his company.

He had not really understood her to the depth that he wanted to. From the glimpses that he had caught her interacting with patients he knew that she spent most of her time trying to give everyone the best care possible. Nolan thought that it was high time that she had someone who wanted to do the same to her.