With the same thought in mind both of them began to chow down on the warm food that Nolan had brought. Besides the classic California roll and nigiri, he had basically ordered a huge platter which consisted of bits and bobs of the entire menu. Everything was made fresh so it was easy to consume without the dry after taste of the refrigerated variety that Wu knew was freely available for her downstairs.

As she finished a soy sauce smothered bit, she took a sip of the green tea straight from the jug. She sighed loudly as she enjoyed the strange combination. "You know I didn't expect to like that. Normally I hate when people do things like this but today I was truly famished. You really hit the spot, but I know you don't do anything for free or without a good reason. Hit me with it. Why would you take the metro all the way down here, when I know your apartment and Ellie's is in the opposite direction?"