"You know there is a stone arch at the end where the vines grow so it creates a little alcove. It's one of my favorite places to go because there is a little table my mother put there. It's a great spot to go have breakfast or have a book to read on a lazy day." Henry deftly handed her a warm cookie which she looked surprised that he had brought. "I know you don't change your mind when you've set on something. I also doubt you're going to sit down anywhere in this lovely garden soon, so munch on one of these to conserve your strength while you prove yourself."

Ellie bit into the cookie and her eyes rolled back into her head as she made a pleasurable sound. "Wow. This is amazing. I can't believe this isn't store bought. I know the food here was good, but this is really nice. You're very lucky to have whoever is on your staff making these."