Nadius felt himself grow hot as Sheng Mei began to touch his face more roughly. She brushed her soft face against his andhe felt himself react. She let him have one kiss before moving back to the bed where she sat with an amused expressed. She raised an eyebrow. "Henry is a grown up now. He will be all right and either it won't or it will work out. Either option is fine. It's an annullment at the worst possible scenario. Its nothing to fret about. Or do you still need to go back and save him, my love?"

Nadius's weight made the bed dip down more as he pulled his wife closer. He kissed her forehead slowly. Hos voice has a track of mock shock. "Go back and save him?  I don't have time to be a superhero, this is true. However, haven't you always said that Henry is your favorite nephew?"

"He's my favorite when he is not stopping me from getting what I want. Right now he is not my favorite."