As she was with everything, Ellie surprised him.  She was a careful measured driver who did not immediately try acrobatics with the Wong family property that she was driving.  She controlled the car with practiced ease being generous with the acceleration while keeping one foot fully on the brake petal which she used to ease into every curve with a grace he envied.  His eyes were glued to her profile as she didn't flinch as she did the difficult corkscrews in the course with ease. Henry knew of course that it had taken years of practice to make it look so easy.  Her legs did a lot of the work as she continuously shifted in her seat as the car moved. It was like watching an antelope run, every muscle served its purpose to move the animal in tandem. Her thighs were a lot larger than the woman he was used to, but he found that he didn't mind -- her muscle was a testament of her dedication to her former profession.