Nolan looked at Henry with renewed appreciation.  He had never considered that Henry could be kind. He had always seen his brother-in-law as a stone gargoyle who only served to look frightening to guard the spoils of his ancestors.  Henry felt a little giddy thinking that Nolan could slowly be changing his options towards him, but he didn't want his guest to feel too comfortable and bade Michael over.

The butler approached immediately with practiced grace.  Although in his declining years the older man was still well built from his youth in the military.  His shoulders were much broader than Henry's. His suit was an older one of Henry's that he had tailored to suit his frame.  It did have an echo of military splendor that made him look quite distinguished and with the regal tast of his mother interior design looked quite handsome.

"Michael we have a mission today to turn our project into a man.  Nolan needs to have some discipline in his life."