Ellie looked out of the window at the bustling city outside as she considered her friend's words.  "Good that this has happened is something I do agree with. It's difficult to see as my sisters did not really manage anything correctly.  It's a shame really, but I am glad to return to Europe finally. I've been avoiding the place for a long time. I've been meaning to visit my father's grave again for a long time.  I'd like to take my mother's ashes to him, which I know she would want as her final resting place."

"I didn't know your siblings were cruel enough to disrespect your mother like that.  From what I knew of your mother I can't imagine that she would have been anything but kind to them when they were children." Helen shook her head wistfully as she considered her friend. "I know from our text messages you were worried that Henry was too good for you.  Now at least you don't have to worry about that if you want to continue to pursue him."