It was strangely seductive to watch such a beautiful man savor every bite. Ellie wondered what he was tasting and wondered if she kissed him would the taste transfer?  She tried not to focus on his mouth. "Lopez assured me that it will take time, but money will be available when the next quarter's investments come in. I am much less lavish than my sisters so I just have to watch what I spend and as long as I keep my north star of getting this place running again then slowly it will start to blossom. I know it will take a lot of tending before this house becomes the prime tourist attraction it was in its heyday. But, I am determined so it will happen sooner or later." Ellie held out her wine glass in a silent toast to herself that drew a smile from Henry. She was glad that she had more good memories than unpleasant ones which made her retain the joys of living here as a child. "It's going to be a lot of work, but I know it will be satisfying."