Henry looked intense.  "It really angers me that your sister passed on without you getting your revenge on them.  I wish I could have helped you in that aspect. I would have really enjoyed to see that happen."

"The company they kept is what got them in the end.  It's its own form of karma that the world called in for me.  I don't feel like I need any more validation than this. I am plenty happy with the rewards given to me.  For me, this is more than enough." Ellie continued to look at the marked bottles. "You know we actually have more than enough product to sell.  There's the ale that I know used to be sold in the village when I was younger. Newer batches of it haven't been made, but I'm glad the old stuff is still here so I can still taste it.  It is too bad it'll all be sold soon though."

"Did you have a running brewery on site here?"