"A tourist attraction?" Michael seemed uneasy with the thought. "I would be horrified to receive anyone here. The place is dismal if either you or Mrs Wong had even the notion of trying to put that dining room to use.  The repairs should be taken care of immediately rather than waiting for what rapture to be upon us?"

Henry rolled his eyes. "This is not a house we own with which we may do as we please. It's Ellie's childhood home. I can't just hire a bulldozer to wreck the place. I looked into building codes as well and the government is strict with the upkeep of historic properties. I'm not surprised the previous tenants didn't want to spare money for such arcane repairs.  Can you imagine paying for masonry? A real stone mason in the twenty first century? I didn't know they still had people who worked without machinery. But I know I can do much more with the insides once my lady gives me her approval."