Henry tore the letter from Michael's hand and started to violently crumble it when the older gentlemen wrenched it out of his hand.  "Sir, it's just a threat. She had done nothing to take a first step. The poor hen is just trying to frighten you. If you react in this way, you are giving into her." Michael continued to straighten if before sighing. He put it back into the envelope.

"I don't want to deal with her at all when I'm here." Henry said with feeling as he started to tap his fingers against the wood of the table in front of him.  He wished that he had been able to destroy the document before Michael had put it into the top drawer. As Henry reached forwards his anger dissipated instantly as he realized the older butler had been thinking of handing it to the lawyers the instant they got home.  He could feel a migraine throbbing at his temples as he realized the danger was very near at hand.