[Chapter 5]: Knowing You

"We have to do this. Let's give it our best." Arthur said inspiringly. He really is into this stuff. "Got it." Authern said as we all packed our bags. I saw Arthur leaving nervously and panting heavily. I just left him like that, I know he needs time and he's really into this. I went back to my classroom with Sean. He tapped my back and said, "I'll support you on this pal, wish you all the best!" then I looked at him and smiled. After a few minutes, the bell rung and we all went to the quadrangle as preparation for the final meeting of the student councils.

As the event started, everyone were quiet as the first party list introduced their set of officers. They introduced each significant role and they ought to fulfill their promises. Just when they were done, our party list was called and we went right up to the stage. Arthur lead everything as he introduced us and proposed each duties and or changes he ought to do so. I can feel him getting more nervous. Later on, when we were done, the ballot box were placed in the student council room, the mechanics is that they write their chosen party list and place them inside the ballot box. Just after the event from the quadrangle, everyone went to the student council room for voting. The one tasked to count the votes were the student councils from last year. The votes will be counted tomorrow. Before the event ends, Arthur told us that we should have a meeting. We all agreed and went to our meeting room.

"I want to say thank you for helping me participate in this event. The reason why I am really into this is that I want to be the one who's gonna make a change. I want the change in this school to happen right in front of my eyes. I wanted to see how effective my leadership would be, with the help of you guys." he said while panting softly. "We are with you Arthur." Aisha said. Just as when the meeting adjourned, Arthur held my wrists and told me that he'll go home with me and I agreed because I know he needs someone right now.

While we were walking outside, "Let's go to the field." he said as he drag me. When we reached the field, he lay down along with his bag. "Here, next to me." he said. I sat him and we both gazed at the stars. "Stars do look so beautiful don't they?" I asked and he smiled. "Indeed, they do amaze me." he replied. "A— are you okay?" I asked. He nodded, smiled, "I am. I just can't believe that we have progressed this far already. Tomorrow, the results are on and I want to say goodluck to everyone." I am happy that he's still this cheerful after everything that made him feel nervous. I lie down as well beside him.

"When I was in elementary, my schoolmates were always hard to deal with. I am actually... once were bullied. I... I could do nothing but look at myself as a loser." he said these stories of his as I look at him. I slowly frown as each words passes through his mouth. "I could do nothing. I asked the student council to do something over it, but it was hopeless. It turned out that they too were bullies. I promised myself to not let it happen as I level up. As I go here, I want to make a change. I want to ensure each smile that a student show is real. I want them to have their life as if it was perfect. Just as a simple student council, that is all I could do for them." he said. "Let's settle this then... We will do everything in order to fulfill that promise of yours." I said and he smiled as he tap my head. Somehow, after I released the word "promise" something came up in me that caught me to space out.

I have remembered someone who told me his promise. I.... I couln't remember well who he is, but all I know is... is that I've trusted him. This was all my mind could ever remember. I don't know how could I ever forgot this predominant memory. All I know is that it is a part of my lost memory.

"Hey Mint? Mint!" I could hear Arthur shouting at me as he tries to call me. I went back to my senses and I laughed at myself. "Sorry, I just remembered something." I said. Arthur laughed as he stood up and reached for his bag. "Let's go have dinner." he said as he reached out his hand for me. I just found myself blushing after he reached his hands towards me and I gave him my hands as he help me stand up. I smiled and rreached for my suitcase. I was somehow laughing that I didn't realize there was something on my head and Arthur reached for it. This part made me blush more. I am paralyzed somehow and can't move.

Arthur laughed heavily, "What are you doing? Come on, lets go!" he said while smiling. He was too cheerful and too tough for something to ruin his mood.

He brought me to a certain restaurant that international cuisines. We took our seat and a waiter walked to us, "May I take your oder sir?" he said. Arthur gave the orderd as I told him to choose for me. "I might be the son of the congressman but I face problems too." he said in addition to his story before. "Well that's new to me." I said. I was shocked when I knew he is the son of the congressman. "How come you don't know?" he asked. "How could I possible know, we're not that close." I said. He laughed as the orders came in. "Now we're close." he said as he look at me and smiled. I looked back at him and smiled. I found myself blushing but somehow, I am able to conceal it.