Chapter 1: [At 8th]

[Mint Caulem]

While sitting at the plain field with the sun shoving it's light upon the grass, I laid my back peacefully while gazing at the bright sky. My eyelids are getting heavier each second and I can feel the warm aura of the field against every part of my body.

While slowly falling asleep, I suddenly felt something soft touched my lips. I can feel it's warmth and softness against mine. Every second it gives me pleasure and I can feel myself getting butterflies in my stomach.

With surprise, I opened my eyes and looked at whatever's touching my lips.

That's where I saw him.



I see his bare face. I see his smile. I see his eyes gazing at me with awe.

I saw Arthur.


Yet it was all just a dream.

The alarm clock rang exactly at 7:45 am. I set it at this time in order for me to be fully prepared for the start of the semester. I immediately ran down towards the kitchen and found my family while mom is preparing breakfast. I took a seat on one of the chairs and waited for mom to finish preparing.

"Looks like someone is excited." mother said.

I glanced at her and smiled.

"Well I guess it has been awhile ever since I saw my classmates. Not to mention Sean." I told them.

Mom took the pan out of the stove and placed it towards the table. "Well I'm happy you're looking forward towards your school. Just remember to keep up with your studies alright?" she said.

I nodded at her and smiled. We all started eating.

Breakfast was quicker than I expected. I did allot an ample amount of time for breakfast, I guess I just never expected it would be finish without even an hour.

I rushed towards the car and sat beside my father while my brother sat at the back. Mom didn't bother coming along as she has loads of stuff to do at home while on the other side, Dad will go straight to work after taking us to school.

We were at the school by 15 minutes early before the welcoming ceremony. My brother and I took off the car and immediately rushed in towards the school. I took him to his teacher and I rushed towards the school field to wait for the freshmen welcoming ceremony.

There were alot of students. Many new recruits and some were transfer students I guess. While the sun is blazing hot I could not afford getting myself hydrated. I went to the nearest food stall in the school field and bought myself a bottle of water.

I took a sip and it accidentally fell from my hands after I felt someone bumped on my back. Not gonna lie it was irritating as the water was spilled on my uniform, however I have to keep my self calm.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" a girl exclaimed behind me.

I glanced at her and saw her along with a guy. The guy sure is tall, white and has a blonde hair. While on the other side, the girl is short, has an orange hair and her smile seems to be fixed.

I smiled and glanced at each of them, "It's alright."

I took of my blazer uniform and tried wiping off the wet part on my uniform. With some luck it was able to dry off a little. The girl then hands over a pair of tissue.

"Here, this might help." she offered.

I took the tissue and did the same thing. It did help though. After some minutes of wiping they still stayed in front of me.

"My name's Ashley. The tall guy on my right is Ashton, my twin brother." she introduced as she offered a hand.

I grabbed it and shook hands with her. I can't see the resemblance between the two though.

"I'm Mint Caulem. An 8th grade." I introduced with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Mint! And what a coincidence we're also 8th grade students! We just transferred here today." she told me.

I nodded with curiousity.

"Is there anything you need help with?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"No I don't think so. I think I'll be good from here." I told them.

Camilla nodded and smiled, "I'll guess we'll see you later then."

They both went off in the field as the field is seriously extremly hot. I took a cover over one of the stalls and felt a small bump on my back.

"It has been a year isn't it?"

I glaned at the person behind me and saw a familiar face. I smiled and jumped in shock.

"Sean! It sure has been! How are you?" I asked him.

He walked towards my side and stared out in the field.

"I am good. I guess. Whole summer has been hella boring bro. I cannot believe all I did the whole summer was lie in bed and play my guitar. Nothing adventurous after all." he told me.

"How are you and your girl by the way?" I asked out if curiousity.

"We are not a thing anymore. To be honest I sensed no chemistry from the start, but I thought why not play it out to see where would it go?" he explained.

"That is one bullshit reason." I told him while giving a small laugh.

"It is indeed." he said and he laughed along.

Minutes after talking the school ceremony started. The juniors, freshmens and seniors all walked towards the school auditorium for the opening ceremony. Sean and I never separated and both sat together. The place has been a memory, and now it is another year to fill it with memory. A familiar voice has been shouting from the back and I can recognize it pretty well. I am convinced it was James. I looked at him and saw him helping out the student council with helping freshmens. He did not seem to have seen me though, but I guess we'll have plenty of time to see each other later.

"How are you by the way?" he asked.

I have no idea what he meant by it, but I needed some more information for me to answer it.

"What do you mean exactly?" I asked him.

He looked at me with curiousity and grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at him, "I mean, I am pretty sure Arthur having a girlfriend is still nit easy for you to accept."

What he just said was a total shock. I might have forgotten it, but it definitely rang a bell. The last time I ever saw Arthur, was that moment. That very scene where I saw him kissed Dianne.

"I... I guess I am kind of good with it." I replied.

"That's does not seem to be the face of a person who thinks he is good about what happened." he uttered.

I glaned at him and laughed.

"How about stop asking about my life and start focusing on the ceremony? It will almost start soon." I told him.

He laughed as he face on the middle.

But he does have a point. I guess I am not good with it. I never was, and I never did. It still left a hole inside me which nothing could really fulfill. The fact that I did every damn single thing to stop me from what I was feeling towards Arthur just to see him kissing with a girl — whom I am pretty sure — he doesn't really know.

But where is the point fussing all about this? I have alot of things to think of right now, and Arthur is just not worthy of being a part of it.

I saw two familiar faces sat on my left. Then I came into an epiphany that it was Ashley and Ashton. They both saw me and nodded in sync. Well I guess now I can see how these two aretl twins.

"What a coincidence again. I assume." I told the two.

Someone in front of me looked behind and I came into realization that this face is familiar. It is indeed. I see it in front of me. I recognize the face very well.

"What a coincidence indeed!" Arthur mentioned.

I looked at him and smiled. Beside him is Dianne, sitting tightly close to him while Arthur's hand is wrapped on her shoulders. Dianne is lying on Arthur's chest while Arthur is looking at us.

We didn't bother talking, maybe because the event had started. Or maybe I am just really not in the mood talking to him.

Arthur used to be Sean's roommate. But between what happened last year which I assume Arthur doesn't seem to give a fuck about, Sean — along with his Pride, Love and consideration — moved out and changed his room.

The ceremony had started with awkwardness wrapping around us — or I guess, just me. I have no intention of making this brand new start be a one hell of a crazy day filled with awkwardness.

I guess I should move on. I definitely should.

The ceremony took hours before the freshmen and other students were allowed to go to their respective rooms for some short introductions. That would most likely be all the things we have to do today.

We went into our rooms and waited for our adviser to come in. While the adviser is not yet around, a group of students ushered the entrance of consecutive students who seemed to be my classmates last year. As Sean entered the room, he immediately walked towards me and sat beside me.

"Have you been here so long?" he asked.

I shook my head as a sign of 'no'. He smiled and gave my head a pat. I glanced at him and saw his smile cheer me up.

"Are you okay?"

It was a question I never wanted to answer ever since I saw Arthur and Dianne. But I have to keep myself up. I should not bring myself down for what I just saw. Because there had been 3 months of vacation and obviously I should be over him.

But I am not.

I am not over him. There is still something inside me that keeps saying "it should be him". But he's not. He's with a girl. He's with Dianne, and both of them are happy.

I took my eyeglass of to rub some part of my eye. I accidentally placed it at the edge of my table wherein suddenly someone bumped into it.

"Whoa there." a guy exclaimed.

I glanced at the tall familiar guy. With the blonde hair and the unforgettable mole upon his neck, I figured it was the guy from earlier.

"We're classmates I see." he said as he smile.

He was able to catch my eyeglass before it fall towards the ground. I am surely going to get killed by my parents once they find out my eyeglass is broke. Again.

The last time my eyeglasses broke was around a month ago while I was doing some morning workout. I accidentally hit the edge the door with my head, my eyeglass protected me but the glass was a total waste. My parents freaked out so much that they almost shouted their lungs out. Luckily I am fine. I guess I'm fine.

I glanced back at the guy and smiled. I tried reaching for my glasses but he took his hands away from mine. I looked at him and saw another smile but seemed to be different.

He walked towards a random unoccupied seat and sat down. I was about to stand up when suddenly the door opened and someone came in.

It was the professor.

He slid his way in towards his desk and stared at us. He smiled as he glanced towards my side. I heard the twins standin up and walked their way to the front.

It was Ashley and Ashton.

They both stood in front and glanced at me. As I stare at Ashton, he winked and gave a soft smirk.

"Here are our new enrollees, your fellow classmate. Please introduce yourselves." the professor said.

Ashley waived at us and smiled while cheerfully saying, "Hello everyone my name is Ashley Louisse Mortan. I am currently 14 years old and beside me is my twin brother. I excel at arts and mathematics and I'm hoping you guys can take care of us."

The other guy, however has a deep voice. Seemed to be manly but what bothers me most is why did he took my eyeglasses.

He stepped in front and said, "I am Ashton Lucas Mortan. I am 14 years old. I excel at sports, I guess." he said as he gave a questionable expression.

All of us gave an applause at the two new students.

"We still have one more transfer student but sadly due to personal reaso!ns he can't keep in touch with us today. Nevertheless we shall vote for our class officers." the professor explained.

The two both walked back towards their seats but before Ashton could sit, he gave my eyeglasses back.

"Nice meeting you, Mint." he said as he gave a wink.