Because i Like her

Feng Jianyu understood his plan and put his left hand on Wang Shi's shoulder, "Come, brother, I will escort you till your cabin". He was gritting his teeth while speaking.

Wang Shi gulped, "Hehehe…. No need LITTLE BROTHER… You accompany Miss Xiu Mei, I am sure she must be hungry… let me send someone with food for you two." He stressed on the word little brother to remind him that he is still the elder brother.

"Hahahah…. I am already prepared for that…". Feng Jianyu again pressed the button of the remote control and two servants come in, "Set up the table, I will be back in a short while".

He ordered his servants and left the room dragging Dr. Wang Shi with him.

Both brothers enter into Wang Shi's cabin.

After entering Feng Jianyu closed the door behind him and walked slowly towards Wang Shi.

Wang Shi gulped, "Jianyu what happens now? What did I do to make you this cranky?"

With a devilish smirk on his face, he keeps trudging towards Wang Shi and unbuttons his coat.

Wang Shi took a step back in trepidation understanding his brother's intention, "No Jianyu, not this... you are merciless... I don't want to do this here….. This is my hospital, damned…. People respect me here, what will they think if they saw me limping in the hospital?"

"Take off your clothes big brother", Feng Jianyu said in a husky voice and tossed his own coat on to the sofa.

"No, I reject", Wang Shi runs behind the table.

"Come-on brother…. It's been a long time since we had done this", Feng Jianyu folded his sleeves and bounced towards Wang Shi.

"Look Jianyu this is not the correct place and....No No No .... … THUMP..."

"Owwwwww.....oww..... My back..... owww..."

Before Wang Shi could say anything Feng Jianyu threw him over his shoulder on to the floor and Wang Shi landed ruthlessly on his back.....

Feng Jianyu crouched down on his knees and turns Wang Shi over on to his stomach. Locking Wang shi's both hands at his back, he holds him down firmly by putting his entire weight on Wang Shi's back, "This is the punishment for your bad timing".

"Owww.... What bad timing? At least tell me what is my crime before sentencing me a punishment... how did I offend you?"

"Who told you to come in between me and Xiu Mei early in the morning... and you dare to bring flowers for her too! Because of you she deliberately ignored me and gave all her attention to you...." Feng Jianyu tightened his grip more as he said this.

"What??....ahhhaaa.... owwwww.... First, leave me you monst…. Cough… Little Brother.... How am I supposed to answer in this weird position?" Wang Shi winced in pain.

"Here you go", Feng Jianyu get off him and sat down on the floor beside Wang Shi.

Both brothers are an expert martial artist and have trained with Special Forces. But when it comes to sparring, Feng Jianyu always has an upper hand if compared to Wang shi's skills.

Wang Shi has never been able to beat Feng Jianyu in any of their matches and is well aware of the humongous strength of this little brother of his.

Wang Shi turns back on his back and stretched his hands to ease the muscle tension, "Ahaa... you are a monster.... can you give me warning next time? I was not prepared at all".

"As if it can change the results... in any condition you will always find yourself on to the ground", Feng Jianyu said as a matter of fact.

Wang Shi "….."

"Fine! You win I lost"

Wang Shi lay down on his left side, lifting his head up with his palm, he rested his elbows on the floor, "I will even out my scores with you later... As for now tell me why are you so jealous if I gave her some flowers?'

Feng Jianyu narrowed his eyes, "I am not jealous".

"Hahahahahhaa... exactly!.... You are not jealous, earth is square and I am not your brother, Wang Shi, right?"

"I think you need another lesson".

"No, no stop.... I surrender... peace please...", Feng Jianyu was about to jump once more but Wang Shi stopped him.

There was a moment of silence between them. Wang Shi waited patiently for Feng Jianyu to speak his heart out.

Feng Jianyu closed his eyes and huffed, "I… I am starting afresh with her".

"Afresh? Why?"

"Because I like her! I don't want to lose her again"

Wang Shi frowned, "You like her? Or you love her?"

He pressed his lips and looked at Wang Shi, "As of now I like her. I want to be with her so that no one else could come near her and snatch her away from me. Let me erase our painful past memories to create a new happy story and bring a smile on her face. I want to spend time with her to cultivate feelings among us."

Wang Shi rolled his eyes, "So you are still at 'LIKE' stage".

"Isn't that also the first step towards 'LOVE' stage, without liking her how am I supposed to love her…. Can't I like her first and then love her?" Feng Jianyu chided him.

He continued, "What do you want? Should I once more wait for another accident to send me into coma and then realize her importance in my life? F*CK this damned heart! I already lost her once and I cannot lose her once more waiting for this silly heart to realize my feelings first."

"Life is too short to wait for love to step into your life, sometimes you yourself have to take the matter in your own hands." Feng Jianyu took a deep breath, "I know one thing for sure, no matter if its love or like, I am going to treasure her for the rest of my life and do everything in my capability to give the immense love that she truly deserves. I will love her by liking her."

Wang Shi got up and sat down, "I am happy! At least you took the first step towards her.....