It’s the only way to handle a she-monster like her



Xiu Mei held her head in frustration as she briefly explained Dr. Wang Shi about what had happened in her villa that night. She was quite red in the face by the time she came to the end of explaining Feng Jianyu's shameless confession.

"Feng Jianyu is bad… he is very bad…

Hearing the entire story and looking at Xiu Mei's distressed face, Wang Shi was barely able to hold his laugh. He silently praised his little brother for his wonderful act. 'Well done, Jianyu! I'm proud of you! Although your technique was a little bold, but it's the only way to handle a she-monster like her. Keep up the good work.'

'But, what else have you done that she is irritated to this extent? What do you mean by showing talent in the live field? I know you're a monster but how big of a monster you are…. Let's ask Xiu Mei!' Wang Shi pondered and decided to ask her directly.