Lu Xion didn't reply for a long time and kept on pondering something. 'Sixteen years…Ran away… Adopted… No more with the family…. Whereabouts missing…." Suddenly he opened his eyes and sat down straight. Thinking about something, he looked at his assistant with furrowed brows.

Wu Zixin stopped rambling when he felt his boss' gaze on him. His hands clasped to the front, waiting for the next order.

"What was this girl's name?" asked Lu Xion, unknowingly his heartbeat hastened thinking if this is what he is thinking, this will be the breakthrough in their search of Xiu Mei's mother and her childhood details.

Wu Zixin quickly runs his eyes on the file to find out about the girls' name. The moment he saw the girls name, his eyes frowned. 'Alice?! No this must be the coincidence. This a common name among girls'

"Boss, her name was A- Alice"