Time to put Xion’s training into action

Trapped inside the ball Xiu Mei cannot see anything but heard the explosion clearly. Their SUV exploded the moment it touched the surface.

How is Jianyu? Is he safe? Did he make out properly? Does the safety capsule opened? Where he could be? Thinking about him, she felt her heart being ripped into pieces. It was not the same feeling she had felt seven years back but something worse. Something more painful. Something unbearable.

Soon it took over her senses as she felt the free-falling of safety capsule down into the forest cutting through the branches and bounced up from the surface back in the air before it hits the ground again.

She felt heavy, dizzy and heard the air leaking sound from her safety capsule. Probably her capsule hit something sharp or maybe it tore because of branches, causing the air leakage.

Next moment she hit the ground hard and her consciousness faded away. "Jian…. yu…."
