Rescue 2

"Fast! Fast! Fast!" Team 2 ordered people to run fast towards the exit before they gets trapped inside. Thankfully Team 1 joined Team 2 after they were done rescuing people from the second floor.

"Yes… Everyone is out of the base" Rong Xiang celebrated looking at the video.

Xiu Mei doesn't pay any attention but keeps on running her fingers on the laptop. She has so much to do right now, lock the doors of the sixth floor, hold people from the fifth floor to climb up to upper floors, stop the security from being activated and keep track of both the teams.

(If the readers are confused about floors of the building, I have mentioned that the building is SIX FLOORS BENEATH THE GROUND. This means floor numberings are different i.e. 0, -1, -2, -3. -4, -5 AND -6. Sixth floor is the lowest floor. Like how it's done in parking lots [Basement 1, B2, B3] )