Is there a man in your life?

"What do you think of Xion?" Zeng Shihong suddenly asked her.  Although he didn't dwell on the matter when she told him that the medicine was given to her by a man, he cannot stop himself from being worried about her. What if she was involved with a wrong man? She is just a child after all. That's what he thought….

Xiu Mei blew the hot tea before taking a sip. Her brows furrowed in confusion, "Huh? What do you mean by that? He is a nice guy"

"Yes, he is a nice man. But do you think he would be a good life partner for someone?" Zeng Shihong asked her when she didn't remove her gaze from him.

"Good life partner!? He would be the best life partner a woman can get"... actually second best. The first best is my monster hubby' She answered at once but corrected the sentence inwardly, feeling mushy-mushy in heart thinking about Feng Jianyu.