Mysterious dead man

"Jianyu, what are we missing?"

He exhaled loudly, "Start from the beginning and line up the sequence of incidents. Maybe we could get our answers."

She cocked her head and stared blankly while recalling everything, "Article publish…. Location tracked to Feng Corporation…. Security breach..... Vigilance system tampered…. Mr. Feng's computer and ID used...."

She paused.

Her head instantly snapped at Feng Jianyu as she looked at him with eyes as big as moon....



Both spoke in unison.

Moreover, isn't Rong Xiang said that the ID was missing and they don't know his name yet. Why would a security guard stroll around without ID? And even if they assume that the ID was stolen by the culprit, they checked earlier that none of the employees accessed the unauthorized zone.

"Let's go."

Instantly they left for the crime scene.