Mo Muxing?

"Don't be stupid. It's going to explode." Feng Junjie holds Jianyu firmly.

"Mei…. she would be worried." Feng Jianyu kept his gaze at the fallen dial.

"But if anything happened to you, she will kill herself." Feng Junjie's word worked as a wake-up call. "Everyone…. Facedown….." He yelled.

The violent noise startled the Island, the smell of oil and gunpowder burning envelops the air. It was a fatal blow for the enemy.


To everyone's surprise, a new reinforcement came out of nowhere taking place of the old one. Lu Xion stepped back and looked around, dead bodies and wounded men sprawled on the ground.

Already their half of the team was working on the other side of the country. And here, their resources were depleting while the enemy has come prepared with a force that outnumbers them many times.

"Jianyu…. Jianyu, come in…." Lu Xion tried to talk to him through the ear-mic, but the noise was so loud nothing was audible.