The Ships Dealing With Children

BACKSTORY: The Paladins and Nicole were out on an abandoned planet looking for any inhabitants when they (excluding chosen ship) take of their helmets, breathing in something toxic to humans, Alteans, Galra and Argonias (the only ones who could breathe the toxic stuff were the former inhabitants is what I'm trying to say). They went back to the ship only for the paladins (excliding chosen ship) to turn into children.



They were surprisingly good at it. Then again, they did pretty much raise Keith after they got him from the adoption home (or whatever it was). Although, making Lance and Nicole share toys wasn't the best idea in Isabelle's opinion. Shiro had to bandaid up Little Lance afterwards...


They were the opposite; absolutely terrible. Lance and Nicole didn't know how to take care of five kids, one being an alien who could set themself on fire. Let's just say, Nicole and Lance were going to carry around the Altean fire extinguishers from now on.


Keith was freaking out most of the time, while Pidge was yelling at him to make sure Hunk didn't get in the kitchen and Nance didn't hurt each other while she put Shirelle to bed.


The Altean couple didn't know a thing about taking care of human children, much less an Argonia one. With a little bit of Coran's help, Edel read on how to 'babysit' (idk what Alteans call it).