Is this the place Assa told me about? It looks similar to how Assa described it. Huge overlapping cliffs where the sun peers between them and several waterfalls gleaming as they pass through the sunlight. There are huge mountains peaking through the clouds into the sky above. You could see how high they are from the ice and snow that has formed over the peaks of the mountains yet they always seemed so friendly and passive. Maybe it's just the way I think but...
"Who goes there?" A mysterious voice cried out, breaking my train of thought. When I turned to look for the voice I could see a knight wearing a pure, pearl white coat. I couldn't see a face as it was being covered by a white helmet with almost no detail on it, it was plain, yet I adored the way it looked. The coat had a red churches sigil in the shape of a holy cross. The knight had a white scabbard with the same sigil on it and I could see the handle of a sword in it. The handle of the sword gave it away with its blood-stained, leather handle.
"uhhh... are you talking to me or are you just trying to be funny?" I replied as I looked around to see if there was anyone nearby. To my surprise, there was nothing. Just dirt and the cliffs with the waterfalls. Oh, and a small lake but the lake looks like it hasn't been touched in while. Not too clean if you ask me.
"Yes you, Do you see anything else around here? Why did you ask me if I was trying to be funny? Are you trying to disrespect me?" The knight rambled on when it pointed into my direction, bursting out with laughter, slowly getting more and more serious as the knight spoke out. I did take another look around to see if there were anyone around the knight could be referring to but it was just us two in the dusty valley.
"Oh, umm... ok. Is there something I could do for you?" I asked with a confused state of mind trying to work out if this knight is legit or not. Soon after the knight tossed a rusty old sword in my direction asking for a duel. I could easily see that... that sword wasn't good enough. Not like I needed a rusty sword like that anyway.
"I don't need an old sword like that. You ask me for a duel and give me, probably, your worst sword. It's not like I need that hunk of junk anyway." I announced while I slowly unsheathed my sword.
My sword was called Darkened Void. It had a white flame surrounding it and the sharpened edge itself was stained black while it faded to another shade of white. It burned through any flesh it came into contact with, causing the burn to expand from the magic that has been engraved into the blade.
Soon after I stood in an offensive stance ready to fight the duel. "You ready then!" I exclaimed, ready to pounce. Shortly after the knight gave a small nod to confirm that it's ready to fight. The knight then got in a defensive stance knowing that I was getting ready to go onto the offensive.
When the duel started I rushed over with my sword lowered to do an upward slash. The knight blocked. Due to this, When the swords clashed, sparks from the metals scraping across each other created blasts of light from the elements working against each other. I quickly do a fast slash through the knight's sword. The sword shatters, within a huge burst of light; I hear a scream. Within seconds I see the knight jump back covering its face.
"Don't look at me you animal!" The knight screamed through the dust of the battle.
"Why are you calling me an animal," I said in surprise, trying not to overreact. When the dirt cleared I saw a woman with dark boysenberry hair and light blue eyes. She had light skin and a slightly above average body. From what I could tell from our battle she was a light art user.
The elemental arts go as Light beats dark where dark beats the others. The other four elements go as wind beats fire, fire beats water, water beats earth and earth beats wind. this works like a game of rock paper scissors. The elements can be used in two different ways; one way can be using magic by calling out a magic spell or finding a magic smith to put the magic into your weapon. However, this costs a lot more money than learning magic. The best ways to learn magic would be going to a magic academy, which would be my main objective. However there are many different ways, for example, you could read a grimoire but this takes time—not like going to a magic academy takes time to learn magic.
Shortly after she yelled at me, the knight passed out. Luckily I'm a nice person so I looked over her body. You never know what people are like in this world. The land around us was vast; the sun glared at us. It's like it's staring at us, making sure we don't make it out of this valley. The temperature rise made me go through my water slightly faster than expected. However, I looked at the nearby lake and the water looked clean enough to drink. I walked over to the lake and got out my water skin to fill it back up.
Before I knew it; it was turning night and the knight was still passed out on the floor. When I got back with the water skin the knight started to stir but didn't show any symptoms of waking up any time soon. "We can't just stay here," I thought to myself as I looked at the knight. Then I got the strange idea to take the knight to the village with me.
I grabbed the knight and gently put her on my back to carry her to the village. It looked like we still needed some distance to clear. I just hope she can make it. I'm not the type to kill someone in a simple duel; especially a duel that one-sided. I feel bad for her. When we left the valley and a bit further she started to wake up. When she actually regained her consonance she started to panic and wiggle around screaming "ahhh, Put me down you animal! What have you done to me while I was passed out!" She started to wiggle more and started to hit me.
"Stop hitting me; I was just trying to help!" I screamed back as I put her down.
"Right," She said, "you were just trying to help." She stood up with a glare of death.
"Well, what should I call you anyway?" I asked with uncertainty.
"Hmm, call me Ellinor but my full name is Ellinor Liaphine." She replied with a smile.
"I think I've heard of that name before but I can't think of when. Maybe Assa mentioned it to me at one point?" I said to myself.
"What name did you just say?" She replied with an illuminated up face.
"Umm, could you not look at me like that? It gives me chills." I replied while I slowly backed away from the strange woman.
"What is this Assa's family name?" She asked, getting her hopes up.
"Oh, it's Verrona. Why do you ask?" I said with a concerned expression, not being able to find an alternative motive.
"Ha, really," She expressed," that's wonderful. Do you know where to find here?" Her face lit up like a child's first time seeing a fluffy animal.
"Ummm, What is with you and your mood switches?" I said, concerned for her health. " And what connections do you have with Assa anyway?" I pushed on with curiosity.
"Well, for your first question; They aren't mood switches. It's just my personality and I can't help it when I get excited. For your second question; She was the one who saved me when I was younger; I asked for her name and that was the name I was given. So now you know." She exploded with a huge expression of excitement. "How do you know who Assa is?"
"Well, When I was younger she took me in; just like a mother. I didn't know much about this world and she taught me some basic magic and now she has sent me off to find a magic academy in the city of Castleheim so I could learn more about magic." I replied, explaining why I would be in such a place.
She just looked at me and walked off with a sense of arrogance. "Are you coming or not?" She yelled as she kept walking away. Does she even trust me; all that I know is that this could be a trap but if she knows where to go I should use this as an opportunity to get what I need.
There are still many things I can't tell her or anything. I feel bad for breaking her trust but not even Assa knows about some of the secrets I hold and they will never know. If I told anyone I wouldn't know what it would do to this world; if I told them I was pulled into here from another world.
Do you want to know the story of how I entered this new realm?
Well, When I was alive in the overworld I was 19 years old but that ended quick. I was killed. Stabbed in the back actually.
I was hanging out with some of my friends just after class. We were on our way home. I heard a screech come from a distance with more and more following. They were getting closer to me with each passing second. When everyone spread out of the way, I could see a man who looked distressed charge towards me. My natural instincts would have told me to run but If I moved out of the way my friends would have got hurt.
Before I realised it the man had already run the knife through my back and I was on the floor. I could feel the warm blood slowly ooze out of the knife wound. Before I knew it I was losing blood faster than I had imagined. My sight slowly began to fade into nothingness and a black abyss.
I heard a voice that gave me a choice to either be reincarnated into another world as a child and I would have to grow up again and live a life. Or I could give up and lose my soul for another soul to take mine.
I chose to live and grow up again. When I entered this new world, I was a young girl at the age of thirteen. That was when Assa found me and took me in. She's like a big sister to me; well, that's what I think about it anyway. When she found me I couldn't tell her some random name so I had to tell her that I didn't know. That was when she gave, what seemed to be ordinary, the name Cara and I inherited her family name Verrona. Ever since then she has been teaching me magic but she advised that I go to a magic academy so that is how far I've gotten now at the age of 16.
When me and Ellinor progressed it started to lurk into the night So we set up camp. When we started to lay everything down I used some elemental magic to create the fire. For some reason, this seemed to surprise Ellinor. She started to say things like "How can you use more magic?" and just stuttered things like "How?"
"What do you mean, how can I use more magic?" I replied with a face of concern.
"People can only use one type of magic and on a rare occasion two types of magic. So are you an exception?" She blurted out in an arrogant manner.
"My god, why are you so confusing? You're always giving me mixed emotions about you all the time; I don't know what to think of you and I don't know what I'm meant to think of you." I replied while I used the newly lit fire to warm myself.
"Hey, I never got your name did I. What should I call you?" She asked. I could clearly see that she was just trying to get closer to me but I may as well tell her as she told me her name.
"It's Cara, My full name is Cara Verrona. So are you happy now." I replied with a forced smile.
"You don't seem too happy," she said while she got close to my face.
"Back! Don't get too close to me." I announced as I took a step away from her.
"Do you have a problem with the way I look or something?" She asked with a concerned expression on her face.
"Uh, no it's not that. I just feel uncomfortable around you because your so much cuter than I am. It's not fair in the slightest." I replied while avoided eye contact.
"Oh, don't feel that way. Your way cuter than I am; you shouldn't be jealous." She replied with a smile on her face.
"You don't have to say that just to make me feel better," I said with a smile.
"But I'm not just saying that. It's true," She replied with a red face avoiding eye contact with me.
"I can tell you not lying with a face like that," I said with a huge smile on my face followed by a small giggle. "We should get some sleep anyway. Don't try anything while I'm asleep."