The Cafe (3)

After the first girl had started the offense, the other chimed in with support fire. "That's right. Isn't this the basics on how to be a server? How are you supposed to do this work if you can't even do something as simple as this? Where's the manager? We demand an answer for your sloppy service."

Jun Yang immediately came to Feng Qi's rescue. "Feng Qi did not commit such a grave mistake to warrant a firing. Furthermore, the orders aren't that simple. It's understandable for him to make some mistakes. He's a person, not a robot."

Jun Yang assumed the girls were simply there to make fun of Feng Qi but coming for his livelihood was pushing it too far. The man worked hard to earn a living, what was wrong with that? Why would they mess that up for him? It was bloody unfair.

However, the girls were heedless of Jun Yang's words. They were like bloodhounds that had smelled prey, relentless with their attacks.

"That's right, we should get him fired!"

"Having an incompetent server like him around is just going to ruin the business!"

Amidst the chaos, Pei Ling turned towards Jun Yang and she said calmly but firmly, "Jun Yang, I've heard what you said but that's where you're wrong. As the future master of the Jun family, how can you be so soft on those beneath us? If you do not show them the errors of their ways and dispense punishment accordingly, how are you going to make them listen to your orders? How are you going to lead?"

Jun Yang was stumped and his words caught in his throat. This was a character flaw that his parents had identified in him as well. They had been trying to make him more cutthroat but he simply did not have that cruel streak within him. What Pei Ling said reminded Jun Yang of the disappointment on his parents' faces. That memory shamed him.

While Jun Yang was dealing with his inner turmoil, Pei Ling turned towards Feng Qi who was unfazed by the girls' assault. He just stood there and allowed the insults to wash all over him, leaving no dent or scars on his body.

Pei Ling smiled sweetly and she began to speak. Like a queen, when she spoke, the lesser concubines zipped their mouth. "Girls, let's not be too harsh on our friend." Instead of addressing Feng Qi by name, she said, "Boy, would you like me to call my personal chef and butler to come over here to give you a lesson on how to be a proper servant?"

She stressed the last word to emphasize the class difference between them.

The two girls faded into the background and watched the unfolding of the event with interest. They were like spectators at public execution, they could not wait for blood to be shed.

Jun Yang pulled himself out of the slump and tried to come to Feng Qi's rescue. However, he was deprived of the chance to do so because Feng Qi could handle himself just fine.

Feng Qi continued to serve them the orders and in a confident tone, he began, "Chocolate mousse with 2 spoons, milk tea with honey, chocolate chip yoghurt smoothie with sliced banana and 2 straws, blackberry and strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and cookie shavings."

Feng Qi did not even take a break to catch his breath. He got all the orders perfectly. The girls were stunned and Jun Yang was impressed by the young man's photographic memory. 'How did he manage to memorize all that?'

The spread of food was arranged neatly on the table and Feng Qi stood there with a smirk. "Check yourself before you come for me." Then, he picked up the tray and walked away but not before leaving behind a victorious, "Enjoy your meal and if you need anything else, don't hesitate to call me."

After Feng Qi walked away, Pei Ling and the girls noticed the rest of the customers had been silently looking their way. Their initial plan to make a ruckus and use the public pressure to force Feng Qi to lose his job but that plan had backfired. Feng Qi was so good with his memory that the attention that they had called put them on the spot instead. They came off as a bunch of unreasonable, spoilt kids who wanted to make life difficult for the poor waiter who had done nothing wrong.

As Pei Ling's eyes swept the room, she noticed the woman who greeted them earlier was standing behind the counter with her phone pointed at them. She was most likely recording them.

If they continued to make a big deal out of this when they were obviously in the wrong, the video would shame them greatly. In today's technological age, news travel fast. If the woman put the video on the internet, considering that they were all socialites from famous families, this incident would not reflect too well on them.

Pei Ling's heart shook with anger but she knew she should not give them more content to work with. She reached into her bag and pulled out more than enough money to pay for the orders and slammed it on the table.

Then, she stood up and ordered, "Girls, let's go!"

A good strategist knows when the time to retreat is. The girls shuffled out of the café under the scrutiny of the other guests. This was such a humiliation to their face.

When they were at the door, Feng Qi called out after them as if taunting, "Please come again."

The thing that answered him was a slam of the door.

After they left, the people inside the café returned to their own lives. Jun Yang looked at the food that was laid before him, he did not know whether he should stand up and leave or stay where he was. He had no idea where his alliance lies.

While he was deciding, Jun Yang saw Feng Qi walk past and he called after him, "Feng Qi."

Feng Qi turned around with that smile that Jun Yang remembered much too fondly and too well.

"I'm sorry." Jun Yang said.