The Date (8)

'Jun Yang, you're just here to enjoy a movie with a normal friend. Just relax and focus…' Jun Yang hypnotized himself. 'This is just a normal movie date with a normal friend and classmate…'

Repetition sometimes worked wonders because as he repeated the mantra in his mind, Jun Yang slowly convinced himself of the 'truth' that was within it. And that was exactly what he did, which was to focus on the movie.

The movie that they were watching that day was an action flick, with a superhero theme that seemed to be the hallmark of a box office hit these days.

Jun Yang was only halfway through the movie when he already came up with a conclusion for it. He found the movie to be rather predictable and honestly quite pedestrian. By then, Jun Yang could already tell how the movie was going to end.

It was a quintessential good versus evil movie plotted in the frame of a hero's journey. The hero started off weak and he had to overcome several layers of challenges before he gathered enough resource to beat the bad guy.

As predictable as the plot was, it did not detract from the overall quality of the movie. After all, the main purpose of such movies was to appeal to the public taste. A plot that was too confusing might even be a hindrance for a good showing. All it needed was good effects and relatable characters and on that front, Jun Yang thought the movie did quite well.

Jun Yang extended his hand to grab some kernels from the box of popcorn. To his surprise, something suddenly appeared and latched onto his hand like a snake ambushing its prey. Jun Yang turned his head to look and he realized it was Feng Qi grabbing his hand.

Jun Yang tried to struggle loose but it only made Feng Qi held onto him even stronger. Jun Yang raised his head, wanting to tell Feng Qi to let go of his hand but once he did, he caught Feng Qi's face in profile framed by the light coming from the movie screen.

The lines on the young man's face were enhanced by the difference in light like they had carved the lines on his face deeper. His facial feature became more dimensional and Jun Yang was captivated. He noticed the pool of light that seemed to gather at the dimple that was formed due to the smile on Feng Qi's face. Not for the first time in his life, Jun Yang thought, 'He's so handsome.'

Perhaps he could sense Jun Yang's gaze on him, Feng Qi suddenly turned his head around. The boys looked into each other's eyes. Jun Yang saw his reflection in the pupils of Feng Qi's eyes.

Feng Qi was originally confused as to why Jun Yang had been staring at him but after a few seconds, his face lit up with a smile like it usually would when Jun Yang was in his presence.

Jun Yang felt a part of his heart soften. The words that had climbed up to his mouth fell back down his throat. Words would ruin the moment.

As if sharing that sentiment, Jun Yang felt a squeeze on his hand. Feng Qi gripped him tighter but this time, instead of struggling, Jun Yang just eased into it. Feng Qi smiled and turned back to the movies, his hand holding onto Jun Yang's hand like it was a lifeline, the thread that would lead them to bliss and happiness.

While Feng Qi turned back to the movie, Jun Yang found his attention captured by the man's hand. Feng Qi's hand was placed right above his and Feng Qi's palm was just large enough to cover his. In a way, one could say that they fitted each other perfectly like a mold.

Jun Yang could feel the warmth coming from Feng Qi through the physical contact. He wiggled his hand slightly and Feng Qi's hand also moved. The latter opened up his fingers to grab Jun Yang's palm from behind. Jun Yang felt Feng Qi's fingers press against the ball of his palm. They were like electrodes, sending jolts of electricity through his body.

Since Feng Qi's hand was placed on top of his, Jun Yang took the opportunity to study the young man's hand. He noticed there was a nick on the spot where the thumb connected to the palm. He wondered how Feng Qi got that injury.

Other than that, Jun Yang noticed Feng Qi's hand was rough and slightly calloused. In other words, it was completely unlike the hands of people who ran in his circle. Most of Jun Yang's friends, classmates and families came from a privileged background and their hands were smooth and oftentimes manicured. However, Feng Qi's hand and fingers were roughly hewn, signs of a working class man.

Jun Yang thought the difference in class would bother him somehow but he felt strangely comforted. This pair of hands had built a life with nothing but just hard work and honest effort. Feng Qi's hand enveloped Jun Yang's hand tightly like the former was covering up the latter in protection. They were signs of stability and Jun Yang felt safely anchored. He found solace in that.

Jun Yang bent his fingers forward and they fell over Feng Qi's. And that was how they sat for the rest of the movie, fingers over fingers, knuckle over knuckle and big hand over small hand.

Jun Yang thought that was how they were going to finish the movie but suddenly he heard some noises coming from behind him. The couple seat two row directly behind them was taken and the pair seated there was really going at it.

There was sound of slurping, munching and other noises that Jun Yang did not know how to describe. He felt uncomfortable. He was not against other people's public display of affection but he could not help but wonder if Feng Qi was shameless enough to replicate the experience that was happening behind them, if he was going to suddenly lean in to ravage him with kisses following the example behind them.