Birthday (6)

Even though Pei Ling did not specify it, Jun Yang knew she was referencing their upcoming engagement. Before he even had the time to settle his earlier predicament, a new one had already arrived. Jun Yang did not even have the time to take a breather.

Jun Yang looked at Pei Ling and she was like a shy blossom wilting under his gaze.

He thought long and hard before Pei Ling interrupted him and Jun Yang was 90 percent certain he did not want the engagement to go through. For one, he thought it was too early for any kind of engagement to happen. For two, he really did not view Pei Ling in that kind of manner, and for three, and probably the most important reason was, if he had said yes to this engagement, what was going to happen to his… let's call it, relationship with Feng Qi?

Based on all these reasons, Jun Yang was actually averse to the engagement and hoped that it would fall through.

However, that was before he met Pei Ling in person. Like many people, he only considered things from his perspective. After he met Pei Ling, Jun Yang realized there was another crucial individual in this whole event. It was naturally the bride-to-be, Pei Ling.

From how the girl had reacted since she entered the room, Jun Yang could read from her body language that she seemed to have a reaction to this news of engagement that was different from his.

The pressure that he felt being alleviated after he got into his room returned. If he started to protest against the engagement, it would be extremely cruel to Pei Ling and a great face-threatening act to Pei Ling and her family. At the end of the day, Jun Yang still saw Pei Ling as his childhood friend and he did not think he had it in him to do such a cruel thing to her.

Jun Yang hesitated and his lips opened and closed. He did not know how to phrase his thought and rejection in a way that would not be construed as cruelty.

Before Jun Yang could say anything, Pei Ling continued to describe how she had heard of the news, "I actually just found this out about 2 days ago. One day, my mother called me to her bedroom and revealed the news of the engagement to me.

"I was baffled. I did not expect they would have already planned so much of my life…" Pei Ling petered off to silence. Jun Yang did not hear her opinion on this arrangement. Was there a possibility that she was as resistant to these arrangements as he was?

With that thought, a new idea bloomed in Jun Yang's mind. Suddenly, he realized Pei Ling's appearance in his room might be a positive development. If he was able to convince Pei Ling of his point of view, perhaps he might be able to turn her into his ally. If they both went to their parents to voice their dissent about the engagement, perhaps they might get heard. After all, two voices are louder than one.

Jun Yang used that opening and asked, "Pei Ling, what is your opinion on this arrangement then? Don't you think it is a bit too soon?"

"Hmm?" Pei Ling turned to look at him. "Yes, I agree it is a bit too soon," when he heard this, Jun Yang's heart was about to soar but what Pei Ling said next dragged him back down to the ground, "but this is merely an engagement, it is just a preparation for the union down the road."

She whispered softly like she was embarrassed to admit it, "But personally, I think it is a good arrangement."

It was then that Jun Yang knew his plan was not going to work. Pei Ling did not share the same opinion as he did. Regardless, he did not give up, "But what about your future? Don't you prefer to live your life your own way? Won't it make you happier?"

Pei Ling looked at him like he had lost his mind. "But nothing makes me happier than fulfilling my parents' expectation. Our responsibility in life is to do our best to live up to our parents' expectation. After all, the base to all moral values is filial piety."

Hearing that, Jun Yang sighed under his breath. Subconsciously, perhaps he was also a little bit angry at Pei Ling because he saw the shadow of his old self reflected in her. He used to believe the philosophy that she was preaching. It was all he could do to not scoff in her face.

Probably she saw the hesitation on Jun Yang's face so Pei Ling continued with her persuasion, "Plus, don't you think it is a beautiful future that is being painted? There will a big house, a safe haven for you to return to after you get too tired from work.

"There will be white walls and a large courtyard. A garden with many flowers and perhaps even a vegetable garden where the ingredients can be picked fresh. Delicious meals will be served at the table every night and to keep us company, we can rear some dogs."

Here, Pei Ling lowered her voice and a blush crept onto her face, "And if you like, we can have children of our own."

While she said that, Pei Ling leaned towards Jun Yang. She brushed against the side of his arms. "I would love to, one day, have a pair of boy and girl." She was shy to share these secrets with Jun Yang. "I don't agree with my parent's ideals which value boys over girls. That era is gone. Can't you imagine how cute a little baby girl will be next to her brother?"

Jun Yang tried not to laugh at the irony within that statement. The very reason they were even envisioning a 'future together' was due to the ideals of their parents.

Pei Ling had gotten uncomfortably close to him but Jun Yang did not say anything, he simply nudged his body away from her.