Play (8)

Jun Yang's mind did not even have the time to contemplate what was happening or the energy to curse Feng Qi, instead the young man's instinct took over and he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes to brace for impact.

However, the fall that he anticipated did not happen. Before his body had an unfortunate meeting with the cold hard ground, a powerful arm reached across the back of his shoulders and held him firmly in the air.

A sigh of relief escaped from Jun Yang's lips and when he opened his eyes, Feng Qi's handsome face was staring down at him. The young man's lips were curled up into a grin and his pairs of eyes spoke not only of mischief but also determination that one normally would not have associated with Feng Qi at first glance.

They say the eyes are the windows to one's soul, and as Jun Yang looked into Feng Qi's onyx-colored pupils, he felt like he was getting to know the real person, the young man beyond the façade. Jun Yang witnessed the tenderness, care and passion that Feng Qi carried within him, things that were beyond his jokester front. And Jun Yang thought he could lose himself within the world that was captured in the young man's eyes.

However, reality soon settled in. The first was a question that cut through Jun Yang's mind, 'Wait, why am I looking into Feng Qi's eyes? That should not be!'

The clockwork of rationality in Jun Yang's mind started to turn. If this was going the expected way, the way he had done earlier, then Feng Qi should be holding him from the back, practically hauling him from behind.

From that posture, it was impossible for their eyes to meet. The best evidence was Jun Yang's exercise earlier. He could feel Feng Qi with his arms but he definitely was unable to see into Feng Qi's eyes. It was physically impossible.

So what happened?

The environmental clues started to add up. 'The singular arm behind me, how Feng Qi's face is looming right above mine…' Then, it hit him. The truth could not have been simpler. While Jun Yang was catching Feng Qi from behind, Feng Qi caught him from the side. He should have known that was the case when he felt Feng Qi's physical presence not from behind him but by his side.

A quick sweep around confirmed his speculation. Feng Qi was literally holding him in his arms. They were like the actors in the movie poster for Gone with the Wind, the only exception being Jun Yang's feet was touching the ground.

Jun Yang imagined the eyes of all of their classmates on them and he quickly tried to struggle loose. What would people say once they held that position for a longer time than was necessary?

However, just as he started to move, that seemed to trigger a reaction in Feng Qi as well. The arm that grabbed Jun Yang tightened, holding him into a tighter lock. At the same time, Feng Qi's face slowly lowered.

"What, what are you doing?" A flustered Jun Yang asked.

Feng Qi kept the grin on his face as he answered, "I'm just keeping my promise. I don't want you to fall so I'm holding you as tight as I can."

"That is not what I'm asking…" Jun Yang was referring to why he was leaning in, that had nothing to do with the exercise. However, the young man did not have the chance to finish his question because Feng Qi had wandered a bit too close for his fancy. He used his hands to push Feng Qi away while his feet tried to find firm footing.

To Jun Yang's surprise, Feng Qi eased off without much resistance. He pulled his head back and even knelt down slightly so Jun Yang's feet could find better purchase against the ground. It was so unlike his usual demeanour that Jun Yang could not help but get a little suspicious.

Regardless, once Jun Yang was on firm ground, he quickly stepped away from Feng Qi. He took a surreptitious look around and thankfully, he noticed most of his classmates were too caught in their games to realize what had happened. Jun Yang sighed silently in relief.

The young man did not notice the pair of fiery eyes which was burning a hole into his back. The pair of girls had already finished their exercise and while Pei Ling stood to the side, her eyes naturally wandered to Jun Yang.

She saw how Feng Qi was holding Jun Yang. She was standing behind Jun Yang so the latter could not have seen her but this meant that she landed right in Feng Qi's vantage point.

She directed her death gaze at the pair and Feng Qi seemed to have caught it because he replied with a smile, one that Pei Ling had no option but to take as a challenge. She had half a mind to call for Mr. Sam's attention and just as her arm was prepared to shoot into the air, Feng Qi released Jun Yang from his grasp.

This time it was Pei Ling's turn to smile and she made sure Feng Qi did not miss it. However, it did not have the intended effect that she wanted. It did not ruffle Feng Qi's feather because he had 'lost', the young man just carried on chatting with Jun Yang like nothing was out of the ordinary. If anything, it felt like Pei Ling was the one who was more affected by this than he was.

Before the party had the time to dwell on the issue, Mr. Sam felt like it was time for them to move on. Once again, he clapped his hands to gather his students' attention. "I'm not sure that trust exercise is of any use to you since not many of you seem to treat it seriously."

Jun Yang probably had imagined this but he felt like when Mr. Sam said that, he was looking his way.