Play (15)

Yes, the very same thing happened quite some time ago when Jun Yang was similarly cornered by Feng Qi at the alley right next to Xing Ming Academy's front gate. That could not have been that long ago but thinking back, it felt like it had been ages ago for Jun Yang. The young man wondered if Feng Qi was thinking about the same thing.

"I got you now!" The caress of warm air on Jun Yang's face brought the young man back to reality. He looked up into Feng Qi's face that was closer than he anticipated. When the young man spoke earlier, his breath fell on Jun Yang's face and it made him flush like when you wandered a bit too close to the radiator. It transformed into a tingling sensation before travelling down to every inch of Jun Yang's skin.

The words tumbled out of Jun Yang's mouth and it enhanced that sense of deva ju. "What… what are you doing?" Jun Yang remembered saying something similar when he was cornered by Feng Qi and the latter had his face leaning in close like how it was happening now.

Feng Qi stopped moving and he answered in a firm tone, "I just want to ask you a few questions."

Jun Yang shot back without thinking, "Be that as it may, there is no reason for you to do it this way. Why don't you lean back and we can talk about this the normal way?!" Jun Yang did not want Feng Qi to lean in any closer because he was afraid the young man was going to hear his beating heart. Jun Yang could hear his heart pulse so loudly in his ears and that was not a discovery that he was willing to share with Feng Qi. He was sure the latter was going to mock him about it should he find out.

"No." What Jun Yang did had the opposite effect, it only made Feng Qi lean in even closer. That was naturally not a good development for Jun Yang. The pounding in his ears increased its speed and he could have sworn Feng Qi was doing this on purpose.

Feng Qi added, "If I don't do this, you are simply going to escape."

Well… Jun Yang had nothing to say to that because he could not say Feng Qi was wrong.

"So answer my question honestly and I will let you go," Feng Qi said. Jun Yang did not really have a say in the matter, did he? So all he could do was to turn his head away out of a silent protest.

Feng Qi chuckled as he witnessed the young man's antic. However, soon, his tone became serious again, "Earlier you mentioned something about pictures, so I need you to elaborate more on that."

Jun Yang frowned when he heard that request. If he was his usual rational self, he would have realized by then that Feng Qi was probably innocent, but trapped in that spot and still angry at Feng Qi, he was not in the mood to act rationally. Instead he huffed and grumbled irritably, "You took secret pictures of the two of us when we were at the theme park and then used your account on our class' Whatsapp group to release them and claim that I'm your boyfriend."

Jun Yang had his head turned away from Feng Qi so he did not notice the change in the latter's expression when he said those things. When Jun Yang mentioned the incident on the social site, Feng Qi's face squished together like he was wondering what Jun Yang was talking about.

However, that did not last for long. After combining all the information that Feng Qi had collected along the way, the truth seemed to have dawned for the young man. Then, he released a chuckle, one that was mirthless and dangerous, one that Jun Yang had not heard the young man use in his company before.

'Is he angry that I found out about his secret? Did he really expect that I will not know he's the one behind this unscrupulous action when he used his own profile to release the series of pictures? How stupid does he think I am?' It was understandable that Jun Yang was not feeling particularly kind towards Feng Qi at that moment but a small voice still crept to his mind and whispered, 'Or there's a chance that this might not be what I think it is?'

Just Jun Yang was about to ask Feng Qi for more details, the latter said, "I get it now."

That only confused Jun Yang even more. 'What does he mean by that? Is he admitting his mistake?'

Desiring a confirmation, Jun Yang whipped his head around to look at Feng Qi, hoping that he'd be able to get a direct read from the young man's face. And when he did… his heart was caught in his throat. Because when his face was turned away, Feng Qi had resumed leaning in.

Therefore, when he looked back, Jun Yang was shocked by how close Feng Qi's face was. He could practically look into the young man's eyes. Subconsciously, his Adam's Apple moved up and down as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Jun Yang became heady with Feng Qi's smell enveloping him from the extremely close proximity. He smelled like a mixture of sweat from the running earlier and a perfume that Miss M used at her café. For some reason, Jun Yang felt his knees going weak and before he knew it, Feng Qi used his body to press him against the wall to keep him from sliding.

Jun Yang gasped involuntarily and Feng Qi continued to lean in. Their faces were barely an inch away and if Jun Yang just lean his face forward slightly, their lips would lock. Jun Yang felt like saying something but his throat was parched.

"Got you…" Feng Qi suddenly said with a small smirk dancing on his lips. [If you like my work, I would really appreciate a cup of joe as donation. Thank you. Donate here:]