A Start

Ren had only rested for a short time when he was shaken awake roughly. He blearily opened his eyes to see Arne standing behind him, spear in hand, and with a serious look on his face.

"It's time young man." Arne helped Ren up to his feet, and then pushed him forward. The two walked through the small house and came to the entrance way. They walked up the stairs and out the door into the cool morning air, as the sun was still rising and the village was covered in a light mist of morning dew. Ren couldn't help but squint as his eyes adjusted to view the new world in the light for the first time, and it seemed rather beautiful to behold. His eyes were more sharp then they had been in years. He could see all the glistening dew atop the many humongous trees just outside of the village in detail, with every drop glistening in the morning rays. The sky was a bright mixture of blues, oranges, and purples, shining through the huge trees of the forest and over a large mountain. The many houses were a sight to behold, half blending into the scenery while also remaining a tranquil sight as many had already left for their daily chores.

Ren wanted to look around more, but felt a shove from Arne and continued walking forward. Being directed by Arne through shoves and tugs on his shoulder. Prana had already been outside for some time and glared at Ren as they walked past, soon following the both of them as they walked through the village.

Speaking of, the village seemed to be made up of a large amount of wooden huts and structures, with a significant portion of them sunken into the ground, being half earthen and half wood. Some even had the mosses and grasses of the forest and fields overgrowing them to create something he could only describe as a hobbit home. It looked straight out of a fantasy painting. There were still plenty of structures above ground, but most did not appear as houses, but more sheds, or workshops. The village seemed large enough, with multiple pathways going through the semi parallel houses and structures, but most of it was to hard to take a serious glance at while in a forced march through the street.

As they continued they came upon some of the few structures that used stone as well as wood. At the center of these was a flagstone plaza and a large stone, covered in script at its center. Most likely some monument, or signpost by Ren's guess. Arne continued to press him towards the largest structure at the back, which was made of thick dark wood and a stone foundation. It was easily the largest structure visible in the village and stretched from one end of the plaza to the other at around 40 meters long (130~ft) and about 2 stories high(6m/ 20 ft).

Arne continued to press against him until they entered the large building and whispered to Ren, "You will face the elders and the chief in the great hall. Prepare yourself for questioning and come up with good answers, or my girl will get her wish."

With that happy thought they turned the corner and walked to the far end of the open hall and found a group of seven men sitting at a long wooden table with a small chair in front of it and a large open fire pit burning just behind the chair. Arne pressed Ren to the chair and introduced him.

"This is the stranger we found in the forest last night. He was found yelling loudly in the dark and making a lot of odd motions. We saw talking to no one we could see or to himself. We captured him with little effort and since then he has remained under my guard. He claims his name is Ren Grey and that he has lost his memory of anything before we found him." Arne then backed up to the side of the hall and took a seat. The elders looked to each other before turning to Ren. The central figure crossed his hands and spoke.

"We have already heard much of the other hunting party's comments on you and your actions. Arne has provided a further summary of the time. So, Ren Grey, what is your side? What do you have to say for bringing possible dangers to our village and acting so suspiciously inside of our territory?"

The chief then leaned back into his seat and awaited Ren's answer.

'Great, there's no way they'll believe I just dropped out of the sky and magically have no idea where the hell I am or what the hell this world is. I've got to play this safe. I've already said my memories have gone, so I can't lie about another country. Alright, gotta keep the amnesia card, and I can't ask too many questions or they really will think I'm some spy. Let's try asking for help then."

"I don't know what to tell you. I awoke without any memories of who I used to be or where I'm from other than my name. I was so confused I couldn't help but question myself out loud and cry out for help. I was worried and confused in a strange place with no sign of anything familiar. I was just about to start searching around for anything familiar or help when I was suddenly taken out by your hunting party. Please, if you could help me at all, I would be in your debt." He said making a small bow from his chair in a humble display and plea to this council of elders.

The elders contemplated over his words before turning to each other. Each of the elder's made a few hand motions that Ren could not immediately decipher. It seemed to be a split among them with two making a somewhat negative motion, two more making a resigned motions and two more making a simpler motion that he hoped was positive. Finally, the chief spoke again.

"Given you were found alone and no immediate danger came from your actions, we are willing to overlook this series of events. In the matter of helping you, you may stay in this village for the time being. We will send out messengers to the surrounding villages to see if anyone of your description has gone missing. If we cannot find anyone among the villages and given your dress and lack of familiarity with the forest, our only option will be to send someone to the settlement, but that will take more than two weeks journey. But, we cannot allow you to stay here for nothing. We are in need of supplies for the winter ourselves. We will have you help around the village while we help you search for your home. For now, Arne will take you under his supervision and help you settle in. Arne, please take him and leave. The council still has much to discuss for the day."


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"Of course chief." Arne would then walk over and help Ren up, no longer guiding him forcefully by the shoulder or with his spear. As the two walked out, with Ren in a bit of a shocked daze, Arne looked at him and said "Well, I suppose we should head back first."

As Prana saw Ren being escorted out instead of being tied up, she couldn't help but glare at him. She looked to her father as asked "What happened?"


"Do you really think he is telling the truth? How did he even survive the forest if he has lost his memories? It is a ridiculous story and he is obviously a spy." said a rather aged man with a long braided beard, and grey white hair. His sagging eyes glaring at the chieftain in disbelief over his decision.

"I agree with Elder Cang. This man is not to be trusted. I believe he may be here at the summons of the settlement, looking around the villages to see if we are open to conquest, and we must prepare for their warriors." Said a thinner man. Though he was thinner and smaller in stature, he had much more muscle definition then the rest of the council and seemed to be a veteran athlete. His fist clenched and his eyes fueled with a lust for a fight.

"Enough, the both of you. I have made my decision, and it has taken into account all of your answers to this man's statement. You are right, we can't trust him. But we also cannot deny that his story matches what the hunters saw, and that if he is telling truth, killing him would be a mortal crime against the gods. It is our way to help the lost travelers under the agreement of the gods, and if we were to simply kill him without him committing a crime, we would be under the wrath of the rest of the region and the gods. For now, we keep him close, under watch, and we check his story. If we can't find anything, we send spies of our own into the settlement and see if he is actually a spy. If then we find nothing. Then we have helped a traveler as is our duty. If we find him a spy, we will still have him in our custody and we can punish him then. Now, if we are finished with this ridiculous squabbling. We have bigger problems to address."