New Magic?

Ur was sleeping on the couch inside Bourne's working room. She didn't know much about business matters, but she was doing her best to protect him since he was her only pupil. Though, she had to admit that she needed to praise his business talent. He knew that he was a bit shameless to use her name to build a business, but she didn't care much since she loved that part of him. Like what he had said before, in the future, they were going to be together. Opening her eyes slightly, she looked at his short figure who checked the data of the business with serious expression. She chuckled since it felt a bit funny scene for a six year old children to do a business. Though, at the same time, she couldn't wait for him to grow up.

It might be a bit unbelievable, but he had his own shop, after one year being reincarnated in this world. His business was pretty simple, middleman.

Bourne was only a middleman for everyone in the town so they could sell their goods with more money. In the past, most people and mercenaries could only sell their goods in the merchant guild, but now, there was his shop. He had also made some connections with a businessman outside of town. His town wasn't small, but it wasn't big either, compared to the town in the western country, his town was pretty small.

Bourne mostly sold fur from beasts and magical beasts, rare plants, woods, etc. As long as it could become money then it was all good. With Ur as his backing, it was pretty simple to do business. If someone wanted to mess his business up, they needed to think twice to attack a business which was being protected by an S-Class magician.

Bourne didn't manage his business that much and only came to the town once or twice a week since his business was pretty lax. If he wanted then he might able to swallow this town, but he didn't have time and he was forced to train everyday by Ur.

*Knock!* *Knock!*


Bourne didn't look at the door and kept checking the document.

"Little Master, I've brought magic books which are sent by the merchant guild."

"Alright, place it--"

"Give it to me."

Ur opened her eyes and grabbed the magic books from his employee. She checked what kind of magic books were being sent by the merchant guild. She looked at the two books and felt that one of the books was quite useful, but the other one was a bit weird.

"Ur... sometimes, I'm very jealous of you for having such a pupil...." His employee was Ur's best friend who was living in the town. She looked at Bourne and asked, "Little Master, how old are you this year?"

"It should be 6 years old, what's wrong?"

"If you've become older, do you want to marry, Sister?"


Bourne was speechless. He looked at his employee again who was Ur's best friend. Even though she wasn't as beautiful as Ur, she was beautiful enough to become one of the most popular women on the town.


Ur glared at her friend and stood up before pushing her away. "If you've sent out the book then you need to continue your job!"

"Eh...? I still want to talk with Little Master more!" The woman pouted and complained since she had to admit that talking with Bourne was very fun. If Bourne had been born 15 years earlier then this guy might have created a harem in this town.

Ur ignored the woman and pushed her out of the room before closing the door. She snorted and felt that her friend was dreaming too much when she thought that she could make her pupil marry herself. Even if they were friends, there was something which could and couldn't be done between friends and flirting with her pupil was absolutely forbidden! It was also the reason why she kept accompanying him since he was very popular among the women and little girls in the town. Last time, there was a little girl who tried to kiss him in the middle of street which made her angry. The only thing which made her relieved was that he didn't know about the relationship between man and woman that much.

Ur also thought that they were dreaming of getting him, especially when he loved her so-- she shook her head before looking at Bourne. "Why didn't you reject her?" She knew that in the future this guy would become a hunk, but more than that, she felt uncomfortable when she thought that he would be with someone else in the future.

"....." Bourne was speechless and could only answer, "It was so sudden. You pushed her away before I was going to answer her."

"So you're going to promise her?"

"No, I have you after all."

Bourne looked at Ur innocently. It was straight and simple. He continued with his work since it was almost over.


Ur blushed and hurriedly changed the topic. "Did you ask the merchant guild to buy you those magic books again?" This time she didn't think two magic books which were sent by the merchant guild were weird and it was quite powerful and useful magic. Unlike his previous magic which was quite weird and even perverted.

"It is. There are a lot of magic books in your storehouse, but it is mostly magic related to ice."

"I'm sorry for only being able to do ice magic."

Ur pouted and she would be lying if she didn't feel annoyed by his words. 'If only this guy was a bit stupid...' If Bourne was a bit stupid then she could teach him a lot of things slowly, but he usually learned very fast, especially magic related to water.

Steam, ice, and water.

Ur knew that Bourne had learned a magic which controlled the three of the things which she mentioned before. In her honest opinion, his power could reach a peak level B-Class magician or even A-Class magician. It was a very surprising thing since he was only 6 years old, but of course, as his teacher, she was very proud of him. Especially when he could create a new spell with a weird magic which he had learned from the magic books which he had bought from the merchant guild.

Bourne was done with his job and walked toward Ur to take the magic books from her hands. He was a bit curious what kind of magic books the merchant group had sent him. He had told them that as long as it was a magic book he would buy it. He didn't care about what kind of magic it was. Even if he couldn't learn it, it could become a part of his family wealth in the future for them to learn. That's why he kept collecting those magic books.

"So what kind of magic is it?"

Ur showed two books in front of him and said, "It's Telepathy and Capture."

"Telephaty and Capture, huh?"

Tapping the table with his fingers, Bourne pondered what he could do with those two magic books.