Lyon Vastia 1

Bourne looked at Lyon curiously since it might be his first time to see someone come asking Ur to become her pupil. Though, personally, he didn't think too much.

If Lyon is accepted then it is his good luck, but if Lyon is rejected then he doesn't really think too much.

Bourne looked curiously at Ur to see what her reaction was.

Ur looked at Lyon and it was also her first time to see a child came to the snowy mountain asking her to become his teacher. She was quite soft on children, especially when she saw him come alone to the snowy mountain without. If it had been before then she might have accepted Lyon, but she already owned Bourne as her pupil. Looking at her pupil who was looking at her, she sighed. The only bad thing about her pupil was that this guy was too lazy, but when she knew that deep down, he was very diligent and had never complained when she told him to train.

"Lyon, is it?"

"Y, Yes...!" Lyon was a bit nervous since both Ur and Bourne didn't say anything.

"My name is Ur. I want to ask you again if you want me to become my pupil?" Ur asked.

"Yes! I've heard that you're the strongest magician in this town, and so, I want you to teach me so I can defeat you!" Lyon shouted and his eyes were filled with admiration wondering how strong Ur was.


"You have a challenger, Ur." Bourne had a smile on his face as if this trouble didn't have anything to do with him.

Ur glared at Bourne and shook her head. "Say, where are your parents? Do you think they'll agree to become a magician and let you become my pupil?"

"I'm an orphan." Lyon looked at Ur with determination and said, "Let me be your pupil! I want to become the strongest magician in this world!"


There were a lot of orphans in this world and it wasn't uncommon to see someone like Lyon. Even Bourne was also an orphan, though Bourne's condition was worse since Bourne was being left in the mountain and almost being eaten by a magical beast. From their observation, even though Lyon might not be well off, Lyon didn't seem to be in very poor condition. It seemed that the orphanage which took care of Lyon was quite good.

Ur thoughts that Lyon ran away from an orphanage to learn magic, but she didn't have intention to humor him. "I'm sorry. I don't accept pupils."


Lyon, who was being rejected, was startled and even almost cried.


"B, but I've heard that you have a pupil! Why don't you accept me!" Lyon had outbursts. Considering his age, it was normal reaction since he was only a child.

"It's because I already have a pupil that I can't take you as my pupil." Ur thought that it was a bit hard to manage two pupils at the same time. "If you want to learn magic, you should to go the guild in the western country. There are a lot of guilds who accept children and you can learn magic from them." It wasn't that she was cruel, but she really thought that she didn't have time to manage a new pupil. Rather than neglecting Lyon, it was better to send him to someone else since teaching one pupil was already very hard work (from her experience). She looked at Bourne who was picking his booger using his pinky and couldn't help but feel annoyed. She threw him away and thought that it was really impossible to add more pupils.


"I know...."

"You understand?" Ur didn't expect that Lyon would give up easily, but it was good since she thought that Lyon came to her as a child's whim. If that was the case then it was good that she didn't teach him since her training was very hard. She didn't want to work hard for nothing.

"I'll defeat you pupil so at that time, you'll make me into your pupil!" Lyon had a serious expression on his face.

"What?!" Ur was startled, but Lyon kept staring at her. Lyon had been looking at Bourne and felt that Bourne was very weak. Even though he had heard that Bourne was a genius merchant, it meant that Bourne was a very weak magician. Bourne might be good at making money, but Bourne's talent for magic was very bad. It was based on his assumption, and thought it would be easy to defeat him.

Bourne stood up from the snow and didn't even care about Lyon's provocation rather he didn't think too much. Lyon was a child after all and he was an adult, even though he had a child's body. He knew that it was a good chance for him to be lazy around and decided to sleep for a while.

"Your pupil seems weak! I can do better than him! After I've defeated him, then let me be your pupil!" Lyon asked Ur once again and he was confident that he would become Ur's disciple.

Ur raised her eyebrow. Even though she didn't think too much about Lyon's provocation, her impression of Lyon had been lowered after he made fun of Bourne since Bourne was someone that she had trained for a long time. Looking at Bourne who was sitting on the top of the snow with a sleepy face, she could see that he didn't care about Lyon at all which made her sigh wondering about the difference between the two children.

Even though Bourne was a child, he was very mature and very calm, but Lyon was very rash and a bit stupid. However, Lyon should be at how children should act at their age.

Thinking about Bourne's future, Ur thought that it would be hard to see someone who could match him since Bourne was really a genius and his magic power also kept increasing. It might be reason why he was very lazy since he didn't see anyone who could threaten him. Looking at Lyon, she didn't really know about Lyon's talent and she needed to see it first.

'Match between the two of them, huh?'

Without doubt, Lyon would be defeated and massacred by Bourne, but Ur knew that someone such as Lyon wouldn't accept such a thing. It was better to show him a reality and let them have a duel.

"Bourne, fight him."


Bourne was surprised and didn't expect Ur to let him fight against Lyon. His expression was surprising, but his expression quickly changed as if he was asking 'are you serious?'.

"Of course." Ur looked at Lyon and said, "If you can defeat him then you can become my disciple. "


Lyon was happy then looked at the lazy boy in front of him. "My name is Lyon Vastia! I'll defeat you and become Ur's pupil."

Yawning, Bourne was quite sleepy. "Bourne."


Lyon was annoyed and held his staff. "Get up! Or I'll hurt you!"

"Just come. I won't move." Bourne sat cross-legged on the snow with his chin resting into his palm.


Lyon didn't care anymore and ran toward Bourne while raising his staff. "HAAAA!!!!" He ran with all his might and thought to each Bourne, but when he was about to teach Bourne. He was suddenly looking at the blue sky.


Lyon didn't know what had happened, but suddenly he fell into the snow.
