Did you remember something?

Bourne looked at the boy who he had helped before. He along with Lyon and Ur had helped to make a grave for this boy's parents. After he had found this boy, he tried to search for other survivors, but he didn't find anyone else. Then they could only stop and help this boy first. Looking at the boy who had just lost his family, he wasn't sure what to say since it was also his first experience to see such a thing.

Even though a war also happened in his previous life, since it didn't happen in his country, he lacked an interest in it and rather than make himself sad watching a lot of children lose their parents or home because of war, it was better to watch something else. It wasn't that he was cruel, but he tried to close his eyes to the unfortunate thing which happened to someone else. He had his own life and other people also had their own life. There were millions of people who had similar unfortunate incidents in their lives, and he couldn't help all of them. Giving a donation was the limit which he could do in his previous life, as for helping them to find their new home? He didn't have the energy to do it.

It might seem cold, but it was something normal to do. Unless someone dedicated themselves to help those people, it was impossible to sacrifice their lives for someone else.

Bourne wasn't a saint, but if it happened right in front of his eyes then he would do his best to help. He had money and he could help this boy to search for work quickly in the town. What about taking care of him? He didn't have that much free time and he was also a child. Though, he wasn't sure what Ur about to do when she saw this boy since she knew that his beautiful teacher was very kind.

"So what are you doing after this, boy?" Ur asked.


The boy didn't answer Ur and kept looking at the grave of his parents.

Ur looked at Bourne and Bourne only shrugged his shoulders. She smiled and said, "If you don't mind, then how about following us? You can't stay in this place forever."


The boy didn't answer Ur.

Bourne sighed and also understood the mentality of children who lost their parents. His condition might be better since he had amnesia and he could restart his life without trouble. He didn't remember much about his family, friends, lover, or even himself in his previous life, but he remembered about his work and other things which made it easier for him to integrate himself in this world. Ur also helped him and took care of him which made him think that his life was wonderful.

But the boy in front of him was different, since this boy saw how Deliora had massacred his town and destroyed this town. The reason why this boy could stay alive was because this boy's luck was very good. Though, at the same time, this boy's luck wasn't good since he had lost his parents.

"What's your name?" Bourne asked.


"If you can't answer me then are you mute?" Bourne wasn't polite.

"Bourne!" Ur reprimanded Bourne.


They heard this boy's voice and they saw him turn toward him.

"Gray Fullbuster." The boy looked at Bourne with a crying face. "That's my name. I'm not mute."

Bourne nodded and asked, "So are you going to dwell here? Or going to go with us?"

"Who are you?" Gray asked.

"My name is Ur." Ur introduced herself and Lyon and Bourne. "He's Lyon and he's Bourne."

Gray nodded and said, "Thank you, but I'll have my revenge on Deliora." He was about to go, but stopped after hearing Bourne's words.

"With your power? With the way you're, Deliora won't even think of you as an opponent. You can only be its feed." Bourne's words were cruel, but he couldn't let this boy die by himself if he could stop him.

"Bourne!" Ur wanted to stop Bourne to arouse Gray.

"You...!" Gray stared at Bourne and asked, "Then what am I going to do?! I've lost my parents! I've lost everything!"

"Then come with us."

Bourne sat on the motorcycle with a calm expression. "There's nothing that you can do here after all, but I can't let you stupidly fight Deliora since it'll give me a bad taste. After that, we'll send you to an orphanage or something in our town, at that time whether you want to go to Deliora or something, that's your freedom."


Ur smiled looking at Bourne and walked toward Gray. "Gray, you can visit here anytime, but your life needs to continue. Your parents have bravely protected you and you need to appreciate the life which they have given to you." She patted Gray's head with a tender expression.


Looking at Ur, Bourne sighed and knew that woman had always been better to console someone than man. He was thinking using his logic, but Ur was thinking using her emotion. Of course, her maternal instinct worked when she saw such a pitiful child.

Gray didn't say much, but followed them. He sat with Lyon, who had been silent for a while because Lyon wasn't sure what to say.

Lyon also somehow felt that his position was threatened by Gray since even if he didn't acknowledge it, he felt that Bourne was maturer than him. He had also never seen Bourne with such an expression.

Bourne sat behind Ur and hugged her waist and let Gray and Lyon sit together on the sidecar.

It might have been Gray's first time riding in such a vehicle, but he wasn't in the mood to appreciate it.

They went back to Ur's house together and let Gray stay in Ur's house for a while together with Lyon.

"Take a rest first. You need to regain your strength and you can think about what you want to do tomorrow."

Hearing Ur's words, Gray dozed off before sleeping since he hadn't had a wink for a while.

Lyon had also decided to sleep since he was sleepy.

Bourne decided to take a bath first, but suddenly Ur followed him which made him strange. After Lyon had come, it was quite rare for Ur to take a bath with him since she was a bit embarrassed being seen by Lyon.

Though Bourne didn't care too much and relaxed himself in the bathtub.

"So what do you think of Gray?" Ur asked. She wasn't sure why she asked this question to a child, but she felt that he had an answer.

"The mind of a child has always been simple. Since Gray saw his parents being killed by Deliora then what he wanted to do was revenge."

Ur frowned and asked, "You can't stop him?"

"Only the warmth of family can stop him. Finding a good orphanage let's him integrate with the child around his age, it is the best way." Bourne didn't think that there was anyone who would adopt Gray since there were a lot of abandoned children in this town.

"Well, that's true..." Ur nodded and she didn't think that she could take care of Grey. She hugged him and said, "You're very kind."


Bourne looked at Ur with a strange expression. "Really?"

"Yeah, it is my first time to see you with that expression."

"Well, I'm not sure...."

Bourne scratched his head and wasn't sure what to say.

"...So you remember something from your past?" Ur thought that the destroyed town earlier might make him remember something.

Bourne shook his head and said, "No, I don't remember anything."

Tightly hugged him, Ur said, "It's alright. I'm here with you."

"Thank you."

Both of them stayed in the bath for a while before going to sleep since the destroyed town which they had seen earlier might have made their mind worn out.