Impatient 1

Gray had been staying with everyone for a few months. He had learned Ice Make magic and his progress was quite good, but there was something that he couldn't accept.

"Ur, teach me stronger magic!"

"I've been telling you that if you've found your own shape in Ice Make magic then you'll become stronger naturally." Ur explained patiently.

"But Bourne is very strong!" Gray complained. He had seen how powerful Bourne was, especially...


An explosion just happened nearby which caused a loud noise, shockwaves, and snow which scattered in their direction.

"Bourne, be careful," Ur shouted.

"Alright, Ur."

Ur nodded and said, "It's his innate magic. You don't have a talent in that magic." She couldn't even use "water" magic since it was a very rare magic. She knew that only some people could master that magic, but she knew that only Bourne was able to develop that magic into something so dangerous.

Gray couldn't accept it. He thought that Ur didn't want to teach him since he could see that there was a big difference when she treated Bourne and when she treated both Lyon and him which made him very envious, but at the same time, he knew that he wasn't her pupil which made him frustrated.

"Just teach me a stronger magic! I want to defeat Deliora!"

Ur looked at Gray and sighed. She was hoping to stop him, but this little guy was so impatient. However she also understood his obsession, especially when his parents had died because of Deliora. But even if she wanted to teach him, Gray's talent in magic was very limited. The only magic which he could learn was Ice Make magic. She also couldn't teach him that much since she only mastered Ice Make magic. She wanted to tell him the truth, but she knew that it was too cruel for him or rather even if she told him the truth, Bourne had told her that Gray wouldn't believe her since Gray's head was full of revenge.

"Listen, Gray. As I've said before, You're not my pupil and I don't have an obligation to teach you, but I still decide to teach you."

Gray felt a stab right into his heart when he heard it, but it was the truth since he wasn't Ur's pupil.

"I know that you're impatient, but you've only been training for a few months and you want to learn magic to defeat Deliora instantly? If there is such magic then I also want to learn it."


Gray was in silence and said, "But this Ice Make is useless!"

"If you think that is the case I can stop teaching you." Ur stared at Gray with an expressionless expression.


Gray clenched his hands and roared. "Why did you only teach Bourne a strong magic! Why didn't you teach me too! You're not fair!"


Lyon, who had been listening to their conversation, glanced at Ur since he was also quite envious of Bourne's magic. Turning water into various states from solid, liquid, and gas; Bourne, himself, could also turn into water made any attack turned into useless. But his patience was much better since he had seen how powerful Ice Make magic was and he also believed that Ice Make was Bourne's strongest magic since he had seen it in the past so it was also one of the reasons why he kept learning Ice Make magic.

However, even though Lyon hated to admit it, Bourne's talent was undoubtedly the best, but he wasn't going to give up to defeat Bourne.

Ur frowned and asked, "So you think that Ice Make magic is weak?"

"Doesn't it? I haven't seen Bourne use Ice Make magic and you have never shown me how strong it is!" Gray complained.

Ur shook her head and said, "Bourne, show Gray your strongest Ice Make magic."

"Are you sure?"

Bourne stopped his practice since he was pretty surprised by Ur's request. Though, he had to admit that Gray was a bit annoying since this guy had been always very gloomy and noisy, but he understood that Gray's mind was immature and as an adult, he had quite a big tolerance. But one thing which made him not really like him was that Gray couldn't appreciate how Ur had taught him. Being taught by Ur was something amazing since Ur was a very strong magician and it was his blessing to be taught by her.

"Yes, show him."

Ur nodded. Her patience was better than Bourne since she was thinking using her heart and knew that Gray was a very pitiful child, but even so, sometimes she sighed and wondered why Gray was so impatient.

Bourne looked at Gray and Gray also looked at Bourne.

In Gray's mind, he was very envious of Bourne. He felt that Bourne had everything that he lacked in his life such as the power to defeat Deliora and a resource from Ur. Even though he knew that Bourne was Ur's pupil, he didn't think that Bourne was special. If he was given time then he believed that he could do better than Bourne in the future.

Gray's goal had always been one and that was to have his revenge on Deliora. As long as he had received that power, then he would leave this damnable place.


Gray looked at Bourne with disdain and didn't believe that Bourne could show him a powerful Ice Make magic or rather he didn't believe that Ice Make magic was powerful. He had been staying with them for a few months, but he had never seen how powerful Ice Make magic was since his only opponent was Lyon.

Even though Lyon had been staying with Bourne and Ur for a while, his strongest Ice Make magic was to create an ice eagle which could be used to attack his opponent. Even so Gray was troubled by it and even defeated quickly by Lyon, but he didn't think that it was enough, especially when he saw an explosion after explosion when Bourne used his magic. He wanted to learn the same magic since he believed that Ur didn't teach him that magic. But at the same time, he knew that she didn't have an obligation to teach him.

Gray glared at Bourne and said, "This time, I'll show that I'm stronger than you and I'll make her teach me everything!"


Bourne ignored Gray's words and used his magic directly. "Ice Make..." He gathered his palms together and it started to glow brightly. "Ten Feeding Sharks!" He created ten ice sharks swarming down toward Gray with an intention to bite Gray down. The size of each shark was 3 meters which was larger than a normal shark.


Looking at ten sharks swarming toward his direction, Gray shuddered and felt cold all of sudden, but this cold wasn't something which was created by temperature, but the killing intent which was released from each of the sharks. He couldn't utter a word and felt that he would be bitten to death by those sharks. He was very scared and couldn't move, but when those ten sharks were about to bite him down, it shattered into pieces.


Gray plopped on the ground with a pale face.

"Now you understand how strong Ice Make magic is?"

Hearing Ur's voice, Gray hung his head, but he nodded. The magic which he disdained could become this powerful and made him realize that he needed to master this magic as soon as possible.


Lyon looked at Bourne who had used Ice Make magic and his hands were shivering in excitement. It seemed that he was right that Ice Make was the strongest magic in this world!

"Good, stand up. You want to become powerful, right? Then you can't sit down and mop all the time! Stop that gloomy face of yours and keep training!" Ur encouraged Gray.

Gray stood up and nodded. "Yes!" He wanted to get revenge on Deliora and because of that, he needed to get even stronger!