Future Plan

Bourne asked Bob for help to help him find a house to rent, even though he had a lot of savings, but it didn't mean he would splurge on all of them. He also wasn't sure whether he would be living in this country forever so he decided to have a rent since the price of the house was quite steep.

His saving was about 50 million Jewels from his business in the past, which was enough for him to rent quite a cozy house within the city.

Ur, who knew about this saving, could only sigh since she knew how hard it was to get 50 million Jewels for a magician. If she remembered very well, the S-Class Job would give a magician around a million Jewels which meant if an S-Class Magician wanted to collect 50 million Jewels then they needed to do 50 times of dangerous quest that could make them lose their life anytime.

Ultear was also surprised since she didn't expect Bourne to save a lot of money. However, after hearing how talented Bourne at business was from Ur, she was speechless. Though, at the same time, there was a sense of delight since she knew the man that she had chosen was the best.

Of course, Bob helped him and made contact with his friend to introduce Bourne to the house within the city.

Then in the afternoon, Bourne, Ultear, and Ur went to visit various houses which were introduced within the city. They didn't spend too much time and found a good house which wasn't that far from the guild building and the market within the city.

The house wasn't as big as an estate nor mansion, but it was quite a good size with simplistic design. It had two floors, four rooms, kitchen, living room, three bathrooms (two inside the rooms and one outside), etc.

Bourne and Ur were satisfied with this house, especially since there was a large bathroom within the bathroom of the main room inside the house. He paid 500,000 Jewels for two months of rent directly.

"Hmm... it's a very beautiful house..." Bob was also satisfied looking at the house.

"Men... it's beautiful..." Ichiya nodded.


"Thank you for your help, Master Bob. Even though we might not have joined the guild, if you need help then you can ask me."

"Me too." Ur added.

Ultear checked their house and didn't join their conversation since she wanted to maintain some distance from Bob and Ichiya. She didn't know too much about their identity and it was better to prepare for the worst. It was part of her personality and it was hard to change for a while.

Even though Bourne didn't join a Blue Pegasus, Ichiya and Bob had helped him and of course, he would repay them. Even if he couldn't repay them with money, he would try his best to help them. However, if Bob invited him to join Blue Pegasus again, he would reject it again since he really didn't have an intention to join a guild and he felt that it was better to open a business.

"Don't worry...." Bob waved his hand and said, "But I might ask you for help in the future."

"No problem." Bourne nodded and said, "As long as it is within our power then we will help you." Though, he would only help Bob with one request and no more than that.

They talked to each other for a while before Bob and Ichiya excused themselves since they knew that Bourne, Ultear, and Ur needed to take a break.

Bourne sent two of them out and sighed in relief since they had gone. It wasn't that he hated them, but he only knew them for a while and he wasn't someone who could trust someone that easily. He also didn't have time to spend with them for too long. Even though he knew that he knew that they weren't bad guys, he had something more important to do. He looked at Ur who seemed to be blushing which made him feel that this woman was very cute.

'Even though she is in her late 20's....' Bourne realized that his rude action, but he didn't care anyway since he was going to marry her when his age was suitable. "Ur, is there something that you want do?"

"W, well, I want to take a bath." Ur wasn't sure why she felt shy, but she felt that her body was quite uncomfortable and she wanted to take a bath.

"Do you need help?"

As a gentleman, he needed to help those women in need.


Ur blushed and pondered for a while before shaking her head. Even though they had often taken a bath together, Bourne had grown up after all and she was a bit shy. "Let me do it myself first." She moved the wheelchair by herself and went to the main room of the house as soon as possible since she wanted to hide the blush on her face.

"I'll help Ur."

Ultear returned, but didn't help her mother first or rather she asked him a question, "Before that, Bourne, can you tell me what your plan is after this?" Even though Ur was her mother, she was uncomfortable to call her mother, especially when they shared the same man.

Ur also didn't think too much when Ultear called her name directly since she also understood that it was hard to call her mother when they had been separated for several years.

"I've made a plan, but can you tell me something, Tear?"

"What's wrong?"

"How strong is "Grimiore Heart"?"

Bourne knew that even though they had moved from the Land of Isvan, it didn't mean that they had erased all of the danger, especially when Ultear had decided to quit from her guild.

"Grimoire Heart? What is that?" Ur had never heard of this name before.

"Should I tell her or you?" Bourne looked at Ultear.

"I'll explain to her...."

Ultear took a deep breath and told Ur what Grimore Heart was. Even though both of them had talked to each other before, she didn't tell Ur about the details of what she had been doing for the past few years.


Hearing the answer from her daughter's mouth, Ur wanted to cry. She didn't expect that not only Bourne, but also Ultear also had a very hard time during their childhood time. She hugged both of them tightly in her arms.

"I'm sorry... I'm..."

"Ur... don't keep apologizing."

"Yeah, it has all happened and we're going to make a new start here."

Hearing their words, Ur nodded and said, "I won't let them do anything toward you!"

"Ur, I know that you're powerful, but Grimore Heart is an organization and one of the strongest dark guilds in this continent. Even if the three of us are together, it'll be a hard fight." Ultear glanced at Bourne's arm and Ur's leg. "I, I don't want either of you to lose part of your body...." She felt pained when she saw Bourne lose his left arm in exchange for returning Ur.

Ur also understood that even if her power was strong along with Bourne's power, their enemy was an organization after all.

"Bourne, do you have a way?"

Ur had a feeling that Bourne must have a way to solve this trouble.

Bourne nodded and said, "Yes, I've a way to solve this trouble."

"What is it?!" 2x

Two women seemed very excited when they heard him.

"Let's join the Magic Council."

Bourne had rejected the invitation of Blue Pegasus because he wanted to join Magic Council. Even though Blue Pegasus was one of the strongest guilds in this kingdom, it was just one of the organizations and he wasn't sure how close the relationship between each members was. He also didn't want to bring trouble to Blue Pegasus since Bob and Ichiya had helped them.

However, the Magic Council was different since this organization had a purpose to eliminate the dark guild in the continent. This meant that they would receive help from the organization once they were attacked by Grimoire Heart.

Even though Bourne believed in his strength, it was better to have a minion before him to test the power of Grimoire Heart since he wasn't sure how strong they were.

It also gave them a good image since the Magic Council and Bourne also wanted to erase his trail as the cause of the disaster on the Land of Isvan after all.

"Magic Council...." 2x

Ultear and Ur nodded and thought that it was good to join the Magic Council.

"I'll explain the details of the plan after Ur has turned better."


They weren't in hurry after all and it was good to take a break for a while since they didn't think that someone would know them or would attack them, especially in this peaceful town.

"I'm going to take a bath with Ur, do you want to follow us?" Ultear asked with a smile.


As a gentleman, it was rude to reject a woman's invitation.

"Why not?"