Sorcerer Magazine 2


When Bourne uttered that word, everyone became quiet.

Everyone was stunned since no one expected such a word to come out from Bourne's mouth.

Karen, who was smiling gracefully, suddenly showed her fierce expression and of course, she was going to get angry, but when she was about to say something.

"Did you just come back from your job?" Bourne asked with an impatient expression.


Everyone was speechless when they saw Bourne was the one who was angry.

"...Yes?" Karen, who was angry, felt strange and answered that question subconsciously.

"Don't you know that you're going to have a photo session? What's wrong with that dark circle under your eyes? Even if you try to hide it, it is going to be shown in the magazine! And your skin..." Bourne sighed and said, "Hurry up and guide her to the make-up room!"

"O, oh..!"

Everyone moved in hurry and didn't expect Bourne to become angry.


Karen, who was angry, was also stunned and followed the staff of the magazine subconsciously.

When Karen was gone, Bourne moved closer to Bob and asked, "Is her character bad?" He wasn't sure, but he had a feeling that woman had quite a bad character. Even thought that woman was beautiful, but with a rotten personality, he didn't really like it.

Bob was stunned and asked, "You were acting before?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Bourne asked.


Bob, Ultear, and Ur were speechless.

"Why did you call her ugly before? Isn't she beautiful?" Ultear asked.

"She's beautiful, but both of you are hundreds of times more beautiful than her," Bourne said with a smooth tone.


Ultear and Ur blushed when they heard Bourne's words.

Bob only laughed and said, "Well, that's true. Her character is a bit bad, but don't worry, she won't cause trouble."

"It's alright."

Bourne had to admit that he was satisfied with the appearance of the magician on Blue Pegasus.

"So what about what you've said before? Are you really going to help her with make-up?" Ultear asked strangely. She didn't know that Bourne had make-up skills. She thought that Bourne was too versatile, right?

"Remember, the magic which I've developed before?" Bourne asked.

Ur and Ultear were surprised and asked eagerly, "Have you created it?"

"Well, it should be alright and I want to test it on this girl," Bourne said.

"This isn't dangerous magic, right?" Bob frowned.

"No, it is a magic to make someone more beautiful and handsome," Bourne said.

Bob was stunned then he became curious since he also wanted to become more beautiful after all.

They talked to each other for a while about the agenda for today's photo session and interview before they went to the make-up room where Karen was being brought.

"Bourne, what about this? Then this?"

When they left, they forgot that Ichiya was still standing there doing various handsome poses for today's magazine photo session.


Ichiya's deep voice reverberated through the corridor which made everyone trembling, their legs weak, and their face flushed in red when they heard it, but when they looked at his appearance and his action.....



Karen was sitting on the chair which was being prepared, looking at her appearance in the mirror. She had this fierce expression on her face and also observed her face better to see whether there was really a dark circle under her eyes. She was a woman after all and she was conscious of her own appearance. She also felt a lot of resentment toward Bourne since it was her first time being told she was ugly.

Every male in this world was entranced by her beauty and everyone praised her while following her like a slave. Even the nobles on this continent were also very polite toward her since she was a beautiful and strong magician.

However, this guy dared to be so rude and told her that she was ugly.

"That little bastard?!"

Though, Karen had to admit that Bourne was very handsome and even if he was young, he gave her an image of a tough and masculine man somehow which made her want to see him grow in the future.

Then the door of the make-up room was opened, Bourne, Ur, Ultear, and Bob entered one by one.

"Sorry to make you wait, I'll start giving you make-up right away," Bourne said.

Karen frowned and said, "You?!"

"Yes, me. Is there something wrong?" Bourne asked and didn't seem offended by her rude comment since he was even ruder before.

"Are you playing with me?" Karen asked. She could tell that Bourne's age was quite young. She wasn't sure, but it must have been around 15 or so and because of that she didn't trust him. If she didn't know that Bourne was the boss of this magazine then she would fight him directly.

"Now, now, believe me. Even if I might not look like it, I'm a qualified beautician." Bourne stood behind Karen and said in low voice, "Just relax, alright? Leave everything to me."


Ur and Ultear frowned at the same time while Bob only laughed awkwardly.

Karen wasn't sure and it might be because Bourne was handsome or she was curious or any other reason, but she decided to believe in him.

"Then excuse me."

Bourne started to massage Karen's shoulder and neck lightly to make her relax.

Karen was a bit startled and her body tightened while thinking that this guy was the same as other guy who was aiming for her body, but then she started to feel good or rather it felt amazing. She couldn't help but feel relaxed and was about to moan, but she closed her mouth hurriedly. She couldn't show a shameful reaction and tried to act that Bourne's massage didn't feel good.

However, even if her mouth said otherwise, her body was honest.

Bourne was very knowledgeable about the human body and he knew which part that he needed to press to make someone relax and make them healthier. If he wasn't wrong, it should be similar to acupuncture in his previous world.

After Bourne made her relax, he started to use his magic. It was a magic which he developed from his water magic. This magic was able to moisturize the skin of someone which caused them to become even more beautiful or handsome.

When someone started to become older, their skin became bad along with the stress of work and their environment, it could become worse.

Bourne's magic was to return the condition of those skins back to their best state. He was sure that he could make a lot of money with this magic later.

Bob, Ultear, and Ur were watching at how Bourne was able to make Karen become several times more beautiful. They were amazed at this magic since the three of them wanted to become more beautiful.

Karen was also surprised since she could see the change in herself.

The process was quite fast, but it only ended 30 minutes after Bourne gave Karen more massaged. He had to admit even thought the personality of this woman was bad, her face and body was good.

When Karen came out to the location of the photo session, everyone was stunned since this woman became even more beautiful.

"Alright, let's start the photo session! Don't waste time!" Bourne shouted, which reminded everyone.

"Bourne, can you give me beauty therapy too?" Bob asked with a blush.


Bourne twitched his lips, but he nodded. "Good." Bob had helped him after all and it was too rude to reject Bob's request. Though he would give him beauty therapy after he had one of the photography sessions.

Bourne was a photographer since he had some knowledge about this skill.

The process of work was very smooth and soon it was almost over.

His reporter was also done with the interview with Bob, the master of Blue Pegasus.

Bourne was about to end, but suddenly someone appeared in front of him.

"Bourne, what about this pose? Do you think this is suitable, men?" Ichiya appeared with a handsome pose in front of him.


"You ugly, what are you doing here! Do you want to make this magazine bankrupt!" Karen was very rude and even showed a disgusted expression on her face.

"Karen!" Bob was furious when he heard Karen's words.


Ur and Ultear frowned. Even if they didn't like Ichiya, this guy was the one who had brought them away from the Land of Isvan after all and Karen was too rude. However, at the same time, they couldn't deny Karen's words since Karen told the truth.

Once Ichiya became the model of Bourne's magazine then this magazine would become bankrupt.

Ichiya seemed to be very devastated when he heard Karen's words. He cried and bit a white handkerchief on his mouth, showing his frustration. His figure was similar to a wife that had been abandoned by her husband. He was very pitiful at this moment, sobbing on the ground. Even if his self confidence was great, he could also get hurt and Karen's words made him cry.


At that moment, Bourne felt conflicted. He owed a lot of things to Ichiya and even if Ichiya was quite bad (a bit disgusting too), he couldn't let this guy be mocked by Karen. He knew that he needed to do something, but he wasn't sure whether he should do it.

However, when he thought Ichiya had saved him before.....

Bourne took a deep breath and made up his mind.

"C'mon, get up, Ichiya! You're the protagonist for my magazine!"

Bourne decided to gamble on everything.


Not only Karen, even Bob, Ur, and Ultear were startled when they heard Bourne's words.

"W, what?" Ichiya looked at Bourne with a disbelief expression.

"What are you gawking for? It is your time to let all of the girls in this continent know how handsome you are! Let them know that you're one of the heroes who have saved the Land of Isvan! Get up, Ichiya!"

There was no hesitation in Bourne's words, even if his words were a bit rude, however...

In Ichiya's ears, he felt that he had found his best friend, no, he might have found his long-lost brother. He wiped the manly tears from his eyes and got up in a vigor.

"Yes, what do you want me to do, Bourne?" Ichiya asked with an eager expression.

Bourne nodded and felt satisfied with Ichiya's response. "Good, use your muscle perfume then change into these clothes... then...." He knew that once he made a mistake then he would become bankrupt, but he couldn't let Ichiya's dignity be trampled by this rude woman. He would make sure that everyone on this continent knew about the "Beautiful Beast of Blue Pegasus", Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki.