Grimoire Heart 1

Meredy opened her eyes slightly with a confused expression until a pain hit her head.

"It hurts!"

Meredy started to cry while sitting on the ground. She kept crying until she noticed that the town where she had lived had been destroyed.

"Everyone? Where are you?"

Meredy kept crying, but no one would help her. When she felt tired of crying, she stood up and started to walk out, hoping that she could meet someone to help her.

However, the more she walked the more she felt despair since no one came toward her. But when she was about to move, she hit into something.


Meredy felt that her forehead was very hurt, after she rubbed and the pain had slightly disappeared, she looked up and saw a huge face which made her tremble in fear.


Kain stared at this little girl for a while and asked, "You're still alive?"


Meredy didn't need to guess and knew that this person was a bad person. She moved back, trying to escape, but the fear made her her legs too weak to move.

"D, don't...."

"I'm Kain! I'm one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory and a member of Grimoire Heart so I have to kill you!" Kain moved his tubby, large hand toward Meredy with the intention of snapping her neck.

Meredy closed her eyes in fear while praying someone would help her.

'Help me! Help me! Help me!'

Kain didn't show mercy, even if he was an idiot, he was a dark magician. He was about to hold Meredy's neck, but suddenly...


Something moved very fast, Kain didn't have time to react and he was hit by something.


Kain's face was being slammed by a motorcycle.


Kain was blown away and rolled around before being stopped after being slammed into a random building.


Kain laid on the ground for a while and his face twitched several times. There was a tire mark on his face, and he was full of anger.



Bourne looked at the huge guy that had crashed into a motorcycle. He had to admit that guy might be one of the biggest guys that he had ever seen in his life.

However, compared to Deliora, the height of this person was small, but compared to normal human this guy's height was very tall.

Looking at the destroyed town in front of him, Bourne frowned and remembered the bad memories in his life. If possible, he didn't want to help someone, but his body moved by itself which made him wonder whether he was a masochist.

"You alright?"

Bourne asked this question to the little girl who was trembling in fear in front of him. Luckily, it was a little girl, if it was a little boy then he would leave this person without hesitation.

Meredy opened her eyes and saw someone Bourne who looked at her with serious expression.

Bourne didn't smile to calm Meredy down since it would be weird to smile in this destroyed town.

"We should go since this place is dangerous," Bourne said and grabbed Meredy without her consent. He put her into the front part of the motorcycle and put a helmet on her head directly. He didn't have a hobby to fight and if he could run then he might run since it was quite troublesome to fight.

Meredy wasn't sure, but she felt secure with him and felt that she could trust him.

When they were about to run away, someone wouldn't let go of them so easily.

"I won't let you go! Cotton Doll!"

Bourne and Meredy saw the huge man which was being blown away by Bourne jumping very high into the sky.

"Iron Doll!"

Then suddenly this huge man turned his skin into an iron color and fell at a very fast speed.


Meredy was scared when she saw the huge man that wanted to kill her before suddenly falling at very fast speed toward them.

"Calm down."

Bourne patted Meredith's head and snapped his fingers before he made a dome of ice on top of them.


Kain snorted and slammed directly into the ice dome. "There's nothing that I can break! I'm strong!"


The ice dome was so powerful that it didn't even crack when it was being slammed by his body which had been turned into an iron.

"There's no way! I'm strong!"

Kain didn't give up and stomped his feet several times on the ice dome, but it didn't even dent which made him frustated. His breathing became very hard, but he didn't give up.

"Damn! Why is this ice dome so hard!"

"Because you're a weak bastard."


Kain heard a voice beside him and turned.


Kain didn't have a chance to talk and he was slammed by a punch directly.


Kain was blown a few meters and caused a large crater on the ground.

Meredy came out from the ice dome slowly, peeking at the battle which happened in front of her. She looked at Bourne in shock after Kain, who was bigger and taller than Bourne, was blown away by Bourne's punch.

Bourne had never slacked on his physical training since he knew his body was the foundation of everything. His punch wasn't light, but his opponent's endurance and toughness was harder than he had thought. He touched his fist which he used to punch this huge man and wondered what this man's magic was.

From Bourne's observation, he had seen that this man was able to turn into cotton which made him able to jump very high and turned into a metal which made his body turn hard and heavy.

It was very simple magic, but Bourne knew that it wasn't that simple since he could see that this man had been holding a strange doll in his hand for a while.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Kain held his cheek in pain while crying, but he quickly stood up, looking at Bourne. His expression turned serious since he knew that Bourne was a powerful magician since Bourne was able to block his attack.

"Who are you?"

Kain was ready to attack Bourne after Bourne had introduced himself.

"Before you ask someone else's name, you should introduce yourself," Bourne said calmly.

"Eh? Really?" Kain seemed surprised.


Bourne smiled and knew that this guy was an idiot. "Yes, it is manners."

"Right!" Kain nodded and seemed that he was too rude. "T, t, then, I'll tell you my name! Y, you need to remember it!" He took a deep breath and said, "M, my name is Kain Hikaru. Even though I look like this, I am one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory... I am powerful!" He seemed quite proud after he introduced himself without stuttering. "So who are you?" However, he felt something was wrong with this man after he had introduced himself. "What's wrong?"

"Did you say that you're a member of Seven Kin of Purgatory?" Bourne asked while trying to hold down something.

"Yes! I'm one of the seven strongest magicians of the Grimoire Heart!" Kain looked at Bourne and said, "So introduce yourself now!"

Bourne took a deep breath and used his magic directly.

"Ice Age!"

In an instant everything miles away was frozen.

Kain was also frozen before he even learnt Bourne's name.

When Bourne breathed, he released a white fog from his mouth. He walked toward the little girl who seemed to be in the cold. He hugged her and used his heat magic to warm her up.

Meredy felt warm and hugged Bourne tightly.

"What's your name?" Bourne asked.

"M, Meredy! Meredy is my name!" Meredy stared at Bourne and asked, "What about big brother? What's your name?"

Bourne wanted to say his name, but he raised his palm and created a mass of ice to block the black flame which was thrown at him.

Then a wave of heat and cold spread over the city causing everyone to feel uncomfortable.

"Uhahahaha!!! Ice? What kind of crap magic is that?!"

Bourne looked at the man who threw a black flame toward him. He saw his ice melt which made him frown. He took a deep breath and it seemed that he needed to get serious slightly.