Lost in Pleasure

Outside of the bathroom, Ur took a deep breath and prepared herself. Looking at her appearance, which wasn't that much different from the first time she met Bourne, adding the moisturizing magic which was able to make any skin younger, no one would think that she was in her 30's. She took a deep breath and couldn't handle her feelings anymore, entering the bathroom without hesitation.


After Bourne moved to the town, there were a lot of facilities which were built around such as hotels, bars, etc. The business around the town increased and there were a lot of people gathered within the town, especially when the member of Ten Saints Wizard was living in this place which meant that their safety was being guaranteed.

Though Bourne didn't care about any of that since it meant the number on his account increased and all of that was just trivial things.

Sitting on the bathup, Bourne looked at the ceiling of the bathroom absentmindedly. The water was warm, but it didn't make him sleepy, rather it made him feel quite complex.

There was a mix between nervousness and excitement at the same time.

Bourne wasn't sure how to describe this feeling. He, the one who almost destroyed the Land of Isvan, was quite nervous because this would cause a laugh on the continent.

However, it couldn't be helped since he would lose his first time, probably.

Bourne thought that he was an adult, well, he was an adult inside with a lot of experience in that area, but in this world, he was just a brat.

Bourne might be only 13 years old soon, but he always brought a hydrogen bomb size weapon on himself.

Bourne took a deep breath and sat while hugging his knees. He calmed himself and thought that he had become a water, but his body was slightly tense when the door was opened. He was wondering why he became nervous now when he was an old driver in his previous world. He also learned a lot of things before and achieved enlightment, but then again, he had become a child again and everything restarted.

Entering the bathroom, Ur looked at Bourne and felt a bit funny. She could see his expressionless expression, but she could tell that this guy was thinking a lot of things in his head.

"Have you washed your body?" Ur asked.

"I have," Bourne said.

"Then I'll wash mine first," Ur said and started to wash her body.

Bourne looked at Ur and watched the process slowly. He felt lightheaded so suddenly and wiped the blood off his nose. He wasn't sure, but he felt nostalgic at this moment when he looked at Ur.

Bourne remembered his childhood time, and had to admit that it was a pretty long time that he stayed with Ur and was also separated from her.

At the same time, Bourne realized that he really loved this woman and her daughter. When he thought about it, he didn't feel nervous anymore and felt relaxed. His leviathan also started to calm down and he didn't fear anything.

Ur smiled when she saw Bourne relaxing in the bathup. She quickly washed over her body then stood up.

"Bourne, can you move to the front a bit?"

"You want to enter?" Bourne asked.


"Why not in the front?" Bourne asked. He was taller than Ur which made it quite uncomfortable to sit right in front of Ur.

"Why not?" Ur asked while looking at Bourne.


Bourne raised his eyebrow and moved to the front a bit. He sat in the same way before while hugging his knees, but it slightly loosened.

Ur entered the bathtub slowly and sat right behind him. She looked at his back and didn't expect that it had grown so wide. She remembered that his body was so small that he could lean on her chest without trouble, but this time, it was different since she could tell that he had become a man.

"Why don't you lean on my body like before?" Ur asked.

"I have become so big now. I'm heavy," Bourne said.

"It's alright. Just try it," Ur said.

"Noop." Bourne shook his head and said, "If you want then we can reverse our place so you can lean on my chest."

Ur thought for a while and said, "Well, we can do that later when we go back tomorrow."


Bourne raised his eyebrow, but then didn't think too much.

Ur peeked at his leviathan and it seemed that it didn't become angry, but even so, the size never ceased to amaze her. She didn't think too much then she wasn't sure why she did it and she tried to bite Bourne's shoulder.

"Ow! Don't bite me."


Ur was a bit surprised and said in a teasing manner. "You react to being bitten? You're a weird one."

"Mind your own business."

Bourne sighed since it was hard to let his leviathan sleep when there was a beautiful woman behind him.

But then again, Ur was quite surprised by Bourne and at the same time, she was wondering how it felt when his leviathan entered her body.

"Right, soon is your birthday, right?" Ur said.


"I have prepared the best birthday present for you," Ur said with a smile.

"Huh? What?"

Bourne didn't expect this woman to be so smug since he remembered Ur was very bad at choosing a present. He remembered in the past that this woman had given him a very lame shirt which made him speechless, but then he felt something soft pressed on his back and he was hugged.



Bourne was too speechless to say anything.

Ur also felt a bit stunned when this guy didn't say anything and even showed a stunned expression.

"Doesn't that make you happy?"

"Yay. I'm so happy. Sounds terrific," Bourne said with a plain tone.

"You brat...!"

Bourne then felt Ur grab his leviathan without hesitation, then stroke it slowly.

"How is it? Feels good?" Ur whispered with a very alluring tone.


Bourne had to admit that this gift really surprised him then he turned his head and stared at the woman that he loved for a long time.


Both of them stared at each other for a while before closing the distance between them.

Sloppy, wet, and deep sound of kisses echoed through the bathroom, and their entire body felt very hot.

Ur didn't stop to stroke Bourne's leviathan, but then, she said, "Touch me."

Bourne nodded and while facing each other, he kneaded her breasts while fingering her spot.

Ur was surprised and kept moaning while thinking that this guy was a genius.

For a long time, both of them were playing with each other using their hands and lips, but then Ur trembled and her body became weak.

Bourne quickly caught her in his arms and then let her sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"You alright?"

Ur was a bit in daze and stared at Bourne's leviathan while licking her lips. "Sorry, Bourne, I can't hold it anymore." Her feeling burst at this moment and all she wanted was him inside her.

"Can you put your thing here?"

Ur opened her honeypot, showing a pink and cute wall within the hole. It was also so wet that it gushed out a lot of honey from within.


Bourne took a deep breath and nodded. He grabbed his leviathan in one hand then slowly guided it toward Ur's honeypot. It was very tight at first, but he slowly pushed it inside. It was warm, wet, tight, but in conclusion, it felt so good.

"Slowly! It has been a while for me."

Ur hugged Bourne's body tightly and didn't let him go.

Bourne nodded and then felt Ur's body quiver, and pushed everything inside in one go since it really felt so good.


Ur couldn't hold the moan in her mouth then her mouth was closed by his lips.

Bourne and Ur couldn't handle it anymore and they got lost in the pleasure.