Juvia's bad luck

Juvia felt that the world had abandoned her. She was an orphan and didn't have anyone that she could depend upon. She also didn't have a friend since whenever she was around, there would always be rain which made her hated by a lot of children and a lot of people.

Juvia just wanted to be accepted, but she was wondering why it was so hard.

As Juvia grew older, she had gotten used to her situation and at the same time, she always longed for love.

When Juvia was walking around the town, she saw a man that was very popular among a group of girls. She felt a strange fluctation on her head since it seemed there was a magic which surrounded the man that tried to enter her head or something. However, she ignored it and quickly accepted that this guy was quite pleasing to her eyes.

Juvia was a bit shy, but then she quickly confessed her love to the man. However, she didn't expect that her confession would be accepted which made her very happy.

Then finally, Juvia got her first boyfriend, whose name was Bora, Bora of Prominence.

Bora didn't think too much when he was being confessed by Juvia and thought that Juvia was quite cute, that's all. He didn't tell his profession as a slave trader and he had a lot of his shares in relationships, it was quite normal for him to be confessed by a lot of girls since he used a "charm magic" after all.

Bora really wanted to curse the "Sorcerer Magazine" since that magazine had disclosed a method for a girl to erase the effect of the "charm magic" which quite troubled him and because of that the number of the girls that he sold as a slave reduced. He also needed to get more people to work with him to catch the girls that were trying to escape after they had erased the effect of "charm magic".

Looking at Juvia, Bora thought to sell this girl since he had heard that Juvia was also a magician. Thinking about the price of a female magician, he knew that he would get a lot of profit to sell Juvia which made him very spirited.

"Juvia, why don't we have a date?"


Juvia became excited, then suddenly there was a heavy rain.


Bora frowned at this rain and he became annoyed. He was a fire magician and he didn't feel good about the rain.

Juvia noticed Bora's expression and said timidly, "Ju - Juvia has always attracted a rain from her childhood time. I - I'm sorry!"


Bora felt annoyed when he heard Juvia's remark since he didn't expect that Juvia was such a troublesome magician that would attract rain. 'How annoying...' However, he quickly smiled and said, "I don't mind. Let's do our date quickly."

Juvia seemed to ignore Bora's "tsk" before and became happy when she heard that they were about to have a date.


Bora felt that this girl was too easy and then he quickly communicated with his group to catch this girl along with the rest of the girls that were charmed by his magic.

"Let's go."

Juvia nodded and followed behind Bora. She wasn't sure where he was going to take her, but as his girlfriend, she believed in him. However, along the way, she noticed a lot of girls that were walking beside them which made her frown.

"Bora-sama, who are they? They're not coming for you, right?"

Juvia wanted to have her boyfriend for her alone and didn't want to share it with anyone.

'How annoying...'

Bora thought and really wanted to kick Juvia away, especially when this rain was pouring very hard. He was a fire magician and of course, she didn't like water since it was very troublesome for him to use his best magic in this situation. However, he calmed himself down and smiled. "Don't worry, they're only coming for a party that is held by my guild."


"Yes." Bora nodded and grabbed Juvia's hand. "Let's go, the party is going to end soon."

When her hand was being held, Juvia was a bit startled and felt uncomfortable, but she followed Bora quietly. She looked at Bora's back and somehow felt something wrong, but she ignored it again.

When Bora and Juvia entered the party house, there were a lot of people inside and it was mostly female.

When Bora entered, he was quickly surrounded by a lot of girls since most of them came to see him. He was happy and laughed happily with them, ignoring Juvia who was on the side.

Juvia stared at Bora for a while then quickly checked the surrounding area. She didn't notice it before, but she saw a lot of men with vicious expressions inside this house party. She wasn't sure, but she knew this situation wasn't good.

"Now, it is the time for the climax!" Bora suddenly said with a cheerful voice.

The girls didn't know what had happened, but suddenly they felt sleepy and they quickly fell on the ground.


When Juvia saw this, she knew that something bad was about to happen.

"Oh, Juvia, are you still awake?" Bora asked with a smile, walking toward Juvia.

Juvia moved back slightly and asked in a trembling voice, "W - What are you doing?"

"Juvia, you don't need to be afraid. I'm your boyfriend. You just need to sleep for now then when you've woken up, you will forget everything."

When Bora said those words, the men around the house party started to surround Juvia.

Juvia didn't hesitate anymore and used her magic. She became a water and ran away.

"Chase after her!"

Bora shouted quickly since he couldn't let anyone know about his guild's plan. His crime report was very clean and it was because of that he could deceive a lot of girls without being afraid of the Magic Council. If his crime was known then without doubt, he needed to become a dark magician and he didn't want that.

Then one by one those slave traders started to chase after Juvia.

All of them were dark magicians and they had a considerable skill of their own.

"Over there!"

It didn't take them long to find Juvia's trail before chasing after her.

It seemed it wasn't the first time for someone to run away from their operation and because of that they had made their own preparations such as a magician that could find a track of someone, having a good nose, and eyesight.

Bora also came out from the party house and cursed the rain for a while before snapping his fingers.

"Red Carpet!"

From the magic circle, a small blaze which grew larger and larger, began to spiral around Bora, who proceeded to stand on the flames' tip which took him flying toward the sky.

Bora could use fire magic for various things and one of them was for transportation. Overlooking the situation from the sky, he smiled and found his target.

"You can't run away!"