Subordinates 2

After his face healed, Fukuro felt better and he didn't feel the pain on his face, however, he didn't dare to move since he couldn't use his magic at this moment and he could even sense that Bourne had always been staring at him which made his entire body cold.

Fukuro could tell that Bourne who was looking at him with a light smile on his face at this moment, clearly showing distrust at him and once he dared to do something, he would be killed without hesitation.

If Bourne knew what Fukuro was thinking then he would only think that this guy really had a big imagination on his head, but well, if Fukuro really tried to attack him, then he didn't mind boiling Fukuro's blood.

"Done." Bourne looked at Fukuro and said, "Stay back first and let the next one introduce himself."

Fukuro nodded and returned. He felt relief and didn't say much then Vidaldus who had been waiting for this moment, bowed his head respectfully, and introduced himself.

"My name is Vidaldus Taka and I have mastered Phasing Magic, Transformation Magic, Hair Magic, and Sound Magic," Vildaldus said in one breath without hiding anything.

Tapping his chin, Bourne was quite interested in some of Vidaldus's magic.

'Phasing Magic and Sound Magic, huh?'

Bourne didn't think too much about both Transformation Magic and Hair Magic since he could do both of those magics easily.

His "water" magic made him able to transform into any figure easily from animals, monsters, women, kid, etc as long as he wanted and he could do the same thing which Transformation Magic could do.

For Hair Magic, this magic only allowed the user to control their hair, but his "water" magic allowed him to control all the water and he could transform his hair into water then manipulated it, doing the same thing which the Hair Magic could do by using his "water" magic.

However, Phasing Magic and Sound Magic were different.

Phasing Magic was a magic that allowed a user to pass through solid matter and Sound Magic was a magic that used a sound as a medium of magic.

Bourne wasn't sure what this sound magic could do, but he was just curious.

"Come closer, I will heal you."


Vidaldus moved closer and felt his body start to feel warm and comfortable.

"During the battle before, what were you trying to do to me?" Bourne suddenly asked.


Vidaldus's expression turned pale when Bourne suddenly asked this question.

"Just tell me." Bourne stared at Vidaldus and said, "Your magic is useless after all."


Vidaldus felt a sword had been stabbed into his heart several times and his mouth twitched several times, but he couldn't refute Bourne's words. He sighed and said, "It's Sound Magic which is known as Rock of Succubus."

"So what is the ability of this magic?" Bourne asked curiously, staring at Vidaldus to see whether this guy was lying or not.

"It's magic to take control of the opponent. If someone is affected by this magic, I can control them...." Vildadus was a bit scared when he told the ability of his magic afraid that he would offend Bourne, but he saw that Bourne was calm and didn't say anything which somehow made him scared.

Looking at Vidaldus's expression, Bourne was really wondering whether he was really that scary. In his opinion the appearance of Vidaldus was even more scary since this guy put up rock metal-like make up on his face.

"You.... What do you want to do with Bourne-sama?!" Juvia's body was boiling in anger when she heard Vidaldus trying to take control of Bourne. In her mind, she also wanted to do the same, controlling Bourne-sama's body to hug, kiss, then did all the things in her imagination, but she wouldn't allow anyone else beside her to do something like that to Bourne-sama!


Vidaldus was speechless since he didn't expect Juvia to be angry.

"Calm down, Juvia. Like I've said before, his magic is useless to me," Bourne said.

"Well...." Juvia nodded and looked at Vidalus in contempt, thinking that this guy almost made Juvia fall into the dark path!


Vidaldus was helpless and wondered what he had done to make Juvia angry.

Bourne was silent while wondering why Vidaldus's magic was useless on him since he thought that Vidaldus's magic was quite powerful.

'Was it because of the difference in magic power?'

Bourne felt that this possibility was possible since he often saw some magic could easily be broken when the difference power between two magicians was too huge.

"Go back now," Bourne said.


Vidalus, who had felt better, nodded then moved back to his previous spot.

"Come here," Bourne said while looking at the last member of Trinity Raven.

Ikaruga nodded respectfully and walked toward Bourne. She didn't have her sword nor could she use her magic so she didn't have any intention to do anything nor she planned to do something since she was attracted to Bourne.

"What's your name and magic?" Bourne asked.

When it was Ikaruga's time to introduce herself, Juvia and Ultear raised their eyebrows since this woman deliberately lowered her clothes so Bourne could almost see two pink nipples that were hidden under those clothes!

In an instant, Juvia and Ultear knew that this woman had a very bad intention and tried to seduce Bourne which made them extremely wary of this woman!

Vidaldus and Fukuro didn't understand why the expression of Juvia and Ultear became serious, but they didn't think too much and only thought that Ikaruga might try to do something which made them nervous since they didn't want to be implicated by that crazy woman!

"This little woman's name is Ikaruga and I have learned sword magic." Ikaruga's soft and seductive voice was heard by everyone.

Juvia and Ultear quickly looked at Bourne, but they sighed in relief when this guy was unfazed by Ikaruga's seduction. Both of them snorted and even gloated that her plan was unsuccessful.

When Bourne heard what kind of magic that Ikaruga had learned, he didn't have that much interest. It wasn't because Ikaruga's magic was weak, but it was because her magic was very troublesome to learn since if he wanted to learn, he needed to train on sword.

"Well, come here, let me heal you."

Bourne had to admit that Ikaruga was quite beautiful, but he had seen a lot of beauties since he owned a "Sorcerer Magazine" which made his resistance against beautiful women quite high.

Ikaruga was quite beautiful, especially the beauty mark underneath each of her eyes, but then again, Bourne couldn't deliberately stare at this woman when Ultear was staring at him all the time. He needed to pretend to be a gentleman even if he needed to sacrifice the nipples that were shown in front of him.

Ikaruga kept staring at Bourne and didn't see a fluctation on his expression, but she didn't give up and smiled gently while looking at him.

Juvia and Ultear made a note that Ikaruga was a vixen!

"So are you from Trinity Raven?" Bourne said while looking at Ikaruga's tattoo.

Trinity Raven was quite famous assassination guild and of course, Bourne knew about this guild since it also included in range of the information that he had gathered in the past few years.

"Yes." Ikaruga nodded and said, "If we decide to quit from the guild then we might be targeted by everyone."

Bourne smiled and said, "Let them come, I want to see what they can do by then."


Ikaruga looked at Bourne and nodded. She thought that it was good to follow Bourne rather than back to her guild.

"Vidaldus, Fukuro, come here," Bourne said.

Fukuro and Vidaldus nodded and walked toward Bourne.

Ikaruga also quickly fixed her clothes.

Bourne raised his palm and three magic circles appeared on the chests of Ikaruga, Fukuro, and Vidaldus which startled them, but they quickly calmed down since they didn't feel anything. However, a red mark suddenly appeared around their bodies which made them quickly get scared.

"B - Bourne-sama, what is this?" Vidaldus asked with a scared expression.

"Nothing. It is just a curse. I will place this curse on the three of you for three months. Don't worry, I will take off this curse when I am satisfied with your work," Bourne said.

Fukuro couldn't stay calm and asked, "What kind of curse is this, Bourne-sama?"

Ikaruga didn't say anything, but she also understood Bourne's actions since they were coming from an assassination guild and he needed to be wary. She nodded and felt even more satisfied with Bourne.

"Well, you know that I am a magician that controls water, right?" Bourne said.

The three of them nodded at the same time.

"Then did you know that 70% of human body is made of water?" Bourne asked.

The three of them shook their heads at the same time, but then their expression became pale and they realized the meaning of Bourne's words.

"So I don't need to explain what kind of curse it is, right?" Bourne smiled and said, "Once you try to betray me then you will... "BOOM!". Explode like a red flower that blooms in the spring so don't betray me, alright?"

The three of them nodded without hesitation.

Then Bourne made them able to use their own magic again and gave jet packs, guitars, and swords to the three of them. He showed them a map of his house and said, "You should go to this place first, I'll call the Magic Council to sell all the small fries in this place."

"Yes!" 3x

"This is your pocket money," Bourne said and took out another million Jewels, giving it to Ikaruga.


Ikaruga, Vidaldus, and Fukuro didn't expect their new boss would be so rich, but this made them even more eager to work for him since they didn't want to be forced to work for nothing.


With only that one word, Ikaruga, Vidaldus, and Fukuro quickly went to the direction of the map which had been given by Bourne, waiting for him in that place.

When the three of them left, Juvia asked, "Bourne-sama, is the curse that you have given them also a "water" magic?" She felt that her way of using "water" magic was too crude compared to Bourne since Bourne was able to develop this "water" magic into something more than she could imagine!

"Is that curse also a "water" magic, Bourne-sama?" Juvia asked.

"Well, it is one of them. Let's handle this matter quickly so we can go back." Bourne looked at Juvia and said, "I'm sure that you're curious about your new home."

'New home...'

Just simple words caused Juvia's heart to feel so happy and from now on, she knew that she wouldn't be alone.
