Settle The Past 1

When Gray saw the spear of ice which had stabbed Lullaby to death, he had a feeling the person who casted that magic was "him".

Then when someone came out from the aircraft and heard this voice, Gray felt that his heart stopped for a moment. It didn't mean that he fell in love with this man, but his heart was full of guilt and he was also surprised when he saw him.

Gray wasn't sure for a moment and he also didn't know what to do.

Gray imagined what would happen when this person glanced at him and talked with him.

Gray had imagined a lot of things on his head, but then he was in shock when he heard his identity was the richest man on the continent.


Gray knew that Bourne had never changed since he knew that Bourne loved to make money, but he didn't expect him to become the richest man on the continent in the past few years.

Gray saw a lot of people gathered toward Bourne, but he didn't dare to step forward nor he dared to let out his voice. He only stayed on behind caught in his indecisiveness.

There were a lot of things that Gray wanted to ask from Bourne such as whether he was alright? What happened to Deliora? What happened to Ur?

Gray had gone back to the Land of Isvan in the past and knew that everything had returned to the way it was and that country became even more prosperous.

However, Gray didn't care about any of that since what he wanted at this moment was to apologize to Bourne.

Gray had been feeling guilty and he wanted to apologize, but he knew what he had done on Bourne was too much, however, even so...

Gray couldn't stay calm until he was being forgiven by him, especially when he didn't even know what had happened to Ur. He was wondering whether Ur was dying or had passed away. He wanted to ask a lot of things, but his body and mouth couldn't move.

Gray could only stand there, watching and listening to the conversation between Bourne and his teammates. He was surprised when he saw Erza's relationship with Bourne was so close and even Makarov's relationship with Bourne was also quite close too.

However, Gray was very annoyed when Natsu couldn't read the mood and provoked Bourne directly. Though, he sighed in relief when Natsu was stopped by Erza and Makarov. He could see that Bourne didn't even look at Natsu and even looked down on Natsu, however, when he thought about Bourne's power during their childhood time, he was wondering how strong Bourne had become, but he knew that he didn't have a right to talk with him anymore.

Gray kept watching, but then he had always felt very uncomfortable since he noticed that Bourne had never glanced in his direction. He felt that Bourne ignored him or Boure might not notice him.

Gray knew that everything was his fault and he knew that he couldn't ask him to forgive him or ask him to treat him as they were in the past.

Gray often dreamed what would happen when he didn't do such a stupid thing in the past and he thought that the three of them, Bourne, Lyon, and himself would live together, smiling, fighting, and did a lot of more, but such a future had ended and it was all because of him.

However, when Gray heard that Bourne had decided to return, his heart shook and he didn't know why, he stepped forward toward his direction before calling out his name.


When Gray called out Bourne's name, everyone was looking at him since Gray's voice was too loud and his voice was a bit strange since it was mixed with sadness or nostalgia or loneliness.

No one was sure what happened, but they looked at Gray curiously.

Even Makarov, Erza, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy looked at Gray with confused expressions, wondering what this guy was about to do.

Juvia, Ikaruga, and Sorano also heard Bourne's name being called, but when they saw Bourne's cold expression, the voices on their mouths stopped. They saw him didn't stop his step and kept walking toward the aircraft.

"Bourne, please forgive me!"

Gray was full of tears and plea for forgiveness. "I know that you can't forgive me after what I have done before, but please forgive me. Bourne!!!"

A blue vein appeared on Bourne's forehead when he heard those words come out from Gray's mouth.


Juvia felt worried by Bourne's condition and became annoyed at Gray who had made Bourne become uncomfortable. It was her first time seeing Bourne in this situation since she had never seen him lose his calm in the past.

Juvia clutched Bourne's arm, looking at him worriedly.

"Bourne-sama, do you want me to kill him?" Ikaruga asked.

Sorano didn't say much, but she was ready to attack Gray.

"I'm alright. Thank you, Juvia," Bourne said. He tried to smile, but it was so hard at this moment before patting the shoulders of Ikaruga and Sorano. "You don't need to. Let's return." It wasn't that he didn't want to kill Gray at this moment, especially when he heard such disgusting words which caused him to have vertigo.


Don't be kidding!

If possible Bourne wanted to kill Gray without hesitation, but it would leave a bad taste in his mouth, especially when he was the one who had persuaded Gray to follow Ur.

If only Gray died because of someone then it was all good and Bourne didn't care much, but that wasn't the case since he had to admit Gray's luck was very good that Gray was the only person who survived Deliora's attack at that time.

Bourne knew that the one who wanted to bring Gray was Ur, but he was the one who persuaded Gray when Deliora attacked Gray's town.

'If only this guy was a stranger...'

Bourne wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

When Gray saw Bourne kept walking, he didn't stop and kept apologizing.

"Bourne, I ask you to forgive me! I.... I know that I shouldn't do that... I know that I shouldn't chase after Deliora... If it's not because of me then Ur won't ---"

"SHUT UP!!!!"

Bourne released his magic energy and caused everyone to be pushed away.


Everyone felt scared and their bodies trembled at this moment since they had never thought such a gentle guy would become so angry. Everyone looked at Gray and wondered what this guy had done to Bourne.

"You want me to forgive you? But you need to DIE!!!!"

Under Bourne's body there was a huge magic circle and an enermous magic energy was released from his body.

"Ice Make: Guanyin Bodhisattva!!!"