Decimated 2

The first one who moved was Racer since he believed in his magic.

"You're talking too much!"

Racer quickly dashed and used his magic. Most people would think that his speed was very fast, but that wasn't the case. His speed was very fast, but it wasn't that fast and everything was because of his magic which was known as slow magic.

Slow Magic is an area-effect magic that allows the user to slow down whatever they wish within a certain radius of themselves; doing so makes themselves appear as if they are moving much faster than they are. Should anyone be outside the area of effect and be viewing the caster's performance, they appear to be moving at their usual, normal speed. This Magic also only works on sentient, living beings.

However, Racer wouldn't tell this matter and decided to dedicate Bourne quickly.

"Slow magic? Interesting magic, but...."

Bourne raised his hand and directly froze everything in front of him.


Racer, who was a meter away from Bourne, quickly froze when he was about to attack him. His expression was in shock since he couldn't believe what had happened to him.

"You might be able to slow me down, but I can stop you easily."

Bourne's fiancee, Ultear, was also a master of "Time Magic" and he was very knowledgeable about this magic since she often talked about this magic to him. The "Deceleration Zone" that he used in the previous chapter was also being developed by "Slow Magic".

However, in the end, slow was only making someone become slow, his ice magic could freeze anyone and stop their movement so it was better than "Slow Magic".

When a hundred meters of area in front of Bourne was frozen, Cobra had escaped with the help of his snake, floating on the top of the sky with a cold sweat on his back. He realized that he couldn't hear the thought of Bourne which made him a bit frustrated.

However, Cobra wasn't panicked since he wasn't going to lose, but he couldn't help but glance at his snake which was quite sleepy and tired because of the cold temperature in the surrounding areas. He also didn't feel comfortable with it and he wanted to end this battle as soon as possible, but he knew that it wouldn't be that simple.

"Your friend is defeated, don't you feel worried?" Bourne asked.

"He's defeated because he's weak!" Cobra said.

"Say, why don't you give up? I am too lazy to fight you and just work under me. Don't worry, I'll let you bring that snake too," Bourne said. He wanted them to give up as soon as possible so he could fight against the leader of Oracion Seis and get the Nirvana.

"Hmph! In your dream!"

Cobra opened his mouth and used his magic.

"Poison Dragon's Roar!"

Cobra releases poison from his mouth in the form of a deadly, poisonous stream!

However, before that poison reached Bourne, that poisonous stream suddenly evaporated and the temperature in the surrounding area quickly increased.

Bourne used his "heat magic" to directly evaporate Cobra's attack.

"Your magic is poison, right? It's useless to attack me using that magic."

Bourne told the truth since the form of poison was either liquid or gases and he could control either of them easily. He also owned a "heat magic" which made him able to evaporate the poison that was released by Cobra.

When the heat came out of Bourne's body, everyone, except for Juvia, moved back since the temperature in this place was very uncomfortable. The coldness of the ice made them shudder and the heat from Bourne's heat magic caused them to sweat. They felt cold and hot at the same time which made them not want to stay at this place too long.

Racer who was frozen didn't know what had happened, but even if the heat was so hot, it didn't melt the ice that froze him.

Cobra kept trying to use his Poison Dragon Slayer Magic, but it was useless since his poison was either frozen or evaporated because of Bourne. He thought to run away to group up, however, Bourne appeared in front of him who was floating in the sky so suddenly and kicked his face!



Cobra coughed a large mouth of blood and felt that his nose was broken. He crashed into the ground which was covered in ice which caused his blood to freeze slightly. He gritted his teeth and knew that if the poison within his body didn't melt the ice that entered his body then he would be frozen right now.

Bourne then stood right in front of Cobra and asked, "So do you want to work under me?"

"No way!"

Cobra said without hesitation.

Bourne knew when he let the magicians from the Dark Guild work under him, they had a lot of advantages, but they also had a lot of disadvantages and that was because they were often too proud.

"Is that so?"

Bourne didn't hesitate and stomped on Cobra's left arm, breaking it easily!



Cobra screamed when his left arm was broken.

"Let me ask you once again, do you want to work under me?" Bourne asked.

"No way! Just kill me already!" Cobra still had this proud expression on his face and he didn't fear death.

"Is that so?"

Bourne was about to stomp Cobra's leg, but at this moment, the snake that was floating in the sky suddenly attacked him with a poisonous gas.

However, the poisonous gas vanished then a hand grabbed into the snake's neck.

The snake wriggled in pain and it couldn't breathe, its condition was so pitiful it could only whine in pain.


Cobra's expression started to change when he saw his beloved snake was in pain. "You bastard! Let her go!" He was about to stand up, but his chest was being pressed by Bourne and made him unable to move. He also couldn't breathe and his entire body was in pain.

"I have never eaten a snake before. I wonder whether it tastes good," Bourne said while staring at the flying snake.

"Bas.. Bastard!!" Cobra's body was full of blood, but he kept crawling, trying to escape from Bourne to save his snake, however, when it was useless, he could only beg Bourne and said, "Please let her go. I will do anything for you."

"Good. Those are the words that I have been waiting for from your mouth."

Bourne placed the flying snake down on the ground and let it get close to Cobra. He looked at the interaction between Cobra and this snake and felt that it wasn't a normal relationship.

When Cobra sighed in relief that his snake was alright, he suddenly saw that under Bourne's feet, a magic circle appeared and from his body, there were a lot of red marks. He didn't say anything and only stared at Bourne.

"Don't worry, that's only a curse so you won't betray me or do you want me to put that curse on your snake too?" Bourne asked.

"No need! I won't betray you!" Cobra quickly hugged his snake and didn't let Bourne harm her, but then his collar was being grabbed by Bourne and his forehead was forcefully headbutted into Bourne's which caused him to become slightly dizzy, but a cold eyes which stared at him caused him to become silent and freeze in place.

"I don't care whether you hate me right now or want to kill me, but remember, I will give you a chance to work under me if you do a good job then I will give you a reward, but if you try to do something stupid and harm my family, then I will let you watch me kill your snake and let it be raped by another snake then let it killed right in front of you. Then you can only watch your snake die without being able to do anything, crying helplessly, begging me to stop, but I won't do that. I will keep torturing you until your soul won't be able to hold it anymore!"

Bourne stared at Cobra and said, "So remember my words, do your work well and you're going to be rewarded, but if you try to harm my family or betray me..."


Cobra was stunned in place and wasn't sure what to say since everything that was said from Bourne's mouth was too shocking for him.

"Answer me."


Cobra looked down and answered weakly.


Bourne patted Cobra's shoulder and healed his body easily.

Cobra could feel that his body started to heal and get better, but his eyes enlarged when he saw that there was also a similar red mark that appeared on his snake.

"Don't put a curse on her!"

Cobra wanted to stop Bourne, but his body was lifted.

"Remember, you don't have a choice here and as long as you do a good job then I'll give you a reward, but I need to remind you to not mess up, alright?"


Cobra gritted his teeth and nodded.


Bourne nodded and said, "After this, I'll talk with your friend so he won't do something stupid. Just wait here patiently before I end my interview with your friend."


Cobra could only sit there and watch Bourne walk away from him. He could feel that his body was energized and his magic power also returned. He could also attack Bourne from behind, but...

Cobra could only sit there while caressing his snake while letting out a long sigh. He felt tired and only wanted to sleep, however, he also wanted to become even stronger at this moment.