Can't appreciate my kindness

After that long and deep kiss, everyone was stunned and wasn't sure what to say, but then when they saw Bourne and his group started to walk, they quickly woke up and realized what had happened.

Their expression turned weird and the only thing that they could only see was that Erza had fallen with Bourne which made her betray the country, however, when they thought how Bourne pretended to be a King and made them listen to his speech, they knew that this guy was very charming.

Even if they hated him, they had to admit that this guy had a real ability, however, this matter and that matter was different!

"Catch him!"

All the soldiers quickly moved together to catch Bourne and his group.

Hughes, Phanter Lily, and Sugarboy even moved along with the soldiers to catch Bourne and his group.

However, Bourne only snapped his fingers and everything in this place was frozen!


Natsu and his group were also in shock with the development of what had happened in this hall!

In a moment, Bourne pretended to be a King, then in another moment, another King appeared and destroyed the hall with an armored, mechanical Dragon, then in another moment, everything in this place was frozen!

Fortunately, Bourne didn't want to kill them and he didn't freeze their heads so they could see his progress in this place and how helpless they were in front of him.

Erza opened her mouth and wasn't sure what to say.

Gajeel also started to move and took Phanther Lily directly since he knew this cat couldn't fight back again.

"Gigigi, I will make you my cat now!"


Phanther Lily wasn't sure what to say for a moment.

Bourne looked at Byro who was also in shock because of his power. "Your name is Byro, right? Tell me how to return my family that has been turned into Lacrima by "Anima", or I will kill everyone here, including the King."


Byro looked at Bourne with hatred, however, he knew that he didn't have a choice since his body was also frozen by Bourne. Fortunately, the ice which was used to freeze him didn't make him feel cold, but he couldn't move and he couldn't use his Magic Vials to counter them, however, he knew that even if he wanted to attack them, he couldn't since the difference power of the two of them were too big!

"Let them go! I will help you to reverse "Anima" so everyone from Earthland can return back!"

Suddenly they heard a voice and they turned their heads.


Everyone was surprised when they saw Mystogan who suddenly appeared in this place.

Bourne didn't care much about Mystogan, but then he frowned when he noticed there was Gray there. However, he didn't have time to talk nor punched Gray since he had something more important to do.

"Erza, Lisa, Wendy, are you here?" Bourne ignored Mystogan and looked at Erza, Lisa, and Wendy. He then noticed Carla and stared at her which caused this flying cat to be scared.

"Bourne, our purpose is the same. Let's get everyone back together," Erza said. She glanced at Natsu and Gray who somehow didn't say anything which made her sigh in relief.


Lisa quickly ran toward Bourne since she wanted to reprimand Bourne for kissing Erza Knightwalker!

Lisa knew how Mirajanne loved Bourne, but this guy decided to flirt with another girl in this world!

Lisa was about to get angry, but then stopped after she saw his smile.

Bourne smiled and patted Lisa's head. "Are you alright, Lisa?"


Lisa smiled, but then she realized something. She quickly swept Bourne's hand away and said, "That's not it! What are you doing! How can you get another girl so suddenly in this place!"

Erza, who was being mentioned, blushed and looked away, hiding on Bourne's chest.

"Well, Erza is very cute after all," Bourne said.

"Cute... Cute..." Erza Knightwalker blushed and her head almost exploded when she was being teased.

"What about Mirajanne?!" Lisa was furious.

"Now that you mention it." Bourne quickly changed the topic of the conversation since he wasn't sure what to do with Mirajane. He looked at Mystogan and said, "What are you doing here?"


Mystogan was confused by Bourne's question.

"Didn't you say that you're going to reverse "Anima" back? So how are you standing there like an idiot? Hurry up and return everyone from Earthland."

Bourne was wondering why Mystogan had been standing in that place, looking at him. He didn't know Mystogan's identity, but he knew that this person was Jellal's counterpart, but he didn't care since he didn't know who this person was.

Whether Mystogan was a prince or king in this world, Bourne didn't care.


Mystogan frowned, but he didn't say much and nodded. "Let's go."

Natsu and Gray followed Mystogan.

However, the girls seemed to look at Bourne.

"You're not coming?" Erza asked.

"This thing isn't dead yet," Bourne said and looked at Dorma Anim.

*Crack!* *Crack!* *Crack!*


The magical, armored, mechanical Dragon destroyed the ice which froze it!


The moment Dorma Anim destroyed Bourne's ice, Mystogan stopped and his expression turned heavy since he knew how powerful this weapon was.


The roar from Dorma Anim was so loud that it shook the entire palace.

Faust, who was inside the Dorma Anim, laughed so loudly.

"Hahaha... See this?! Your so powerful magic is just so so in front of my weapon! This mechanical Dragon is equipped with a special alloy that can nullify all Magic used against the armor, rendering just about all Magic attacks useless! In other words, your magic is useless!" Faust kept laughing, thinking that he had won.

Sugarboy, on the other hand, used his weapon to turn the ice that trapped everyone soft and limp.

It might be because Bourne gave them mercy that he didn't make the ice which trapped them cold so Sugarboy could use that chance to use his sword to make all the ice in this place into soft and lip, saving everyone.

Aside from Phanther Lily and Byron who were caught by Erik and Gajeel, almost half of the soldiers caught by Boure's ice had been saved by Sugarboy.

"Huhum... nothing can escape my Rosa Espada!" Sugarboy hummed with a handsome smile and pose.

Everyone thought that Bourne would give up.


Even Lisa, who was beside Bourne, was scared.

"Bourne, hurry up and come here!" Erza knew that fighting against a lot of people would be very hard.

"Come on. Don't be scared, since they can't appreciate my kindness, then let me destroy that toy first," Bourne said and startled to walk.

Erika and Gajeel also followed and wondered what kind of magic that Bourne was about to use.

Lisa followed Bourne unconsciously since she felt secure beside him.


Faust shouted loudly.

Everyone else did the same and ran toward Bourne to catch him.

Gray gritted his teeth and was about to save Bourne.

However, suddenly Bourne and his group disappeared.


Everyone was confused.

When they thought that they were about to catch him, they suddenly saw that Bourne and his group had disappeared.

Erza, Mystogan, Wendy, Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Carla were also confused, but then a shout woke them up.

"Wh - What is that?!"

"Mo - Monsters?!"

Everyone became confused by their screams and then they followed their gazes. They raised their heads and looked toward the sky, but then their expression turned into horror since they saw a lot of giants around their Kingdom!