Mirajane is Married

Mirajane married Bourne.

When that news came to all the members of Fairy Tail, all of them felt as if a nuclear bomb had been dropped on their guilds.

The females were alright and they also expected such a thing since they knew how close Mirajane was with Bourne, though they thought Bourne might take all Strauss siblings, but it seemed that he only chose Mirajane.

Looking at Lisanna who was helping the bar with a melancholy expression, they thought to bring her to drink or something so her mood would be better.

The female members of Fairy Tail were alright, however, the male members of the Fairy Tail weren't alright.

After all, Mirajane was one of the beauty and dream lovers of every man in the guild, no, in the entire continent since she was very famous throughout the continent because of her beauty. However, no one would ever think that someone would steal her directly and marry her so suddenly.

If the person that was married by Mirajane was someone from the guild or someone they were familiar with, then they would feel alright, however, the one that she was about to marry was a person who had caused their life in the Fairy Tail was troubled.

After all, it wasn't a secret how Bourne had decimated Gray, Makarov, Natsu, and even Erza easily, causing Gray's face to be disfigured.

No one could accept it, especially all the people who had seen Mirajane's progress from naughty girl into a very gentle girl, they felt that the angel that brought bliss to their hearts had disappeared and they felt very sad, envious, and even furious that they couldn't accept this marriage.

"Lisanna, how can you let Mira marry that bad guy?"

"Yes Elfman, how can your older sister marry him?!"

Most of the male members of the Fairy Tail protested to both Lisanna and Elfman.

Elfman frowned and shouted, "You're the bad guy! Mira-nee has made her decision and they love each other! And even if you can't accept it, what can you do?" He shook his head, thinking that all of them had too many hallucinations, thinking that they could make Mirajane into their lover.

Yes, if they couldn't accept it, what they could do.

In that every moment, everyone felt that they were dying inside.

Compared to them, Bourne's status was very high. He wasn't only the richest man on the continent, he was very strong that he could defeat Makarov along with all the aces of the guild easily, a Magic Council was under his grasp, and with his mouth alone, he could determine whether their guild would receive a job or not.

Because Makarov had decided to keep Gray on the guild, and no one said anything, the jobs that they received were also reduced and all the jobs that came toward them were all troublesome quests with very low payment.

If they make Bourne into an enemy, one wrong sentence, then it would be very easy to destroy their guild.

Then everyone suddenly cried, thinking that Mirajane sacrificed herself so the guild could be better.

"Still, it is so rude of him to suddenly marry Mira without even asking for our permission," Wakaba said.

"Yeah, that bad guy wants to steal our madonna after all, we need to teach him!" Macao said.

Wakaba and Macao were, after all, two of the oldest guild members of Fairy Tail, and both of them had seen how most of the children on the Fairy Tail had grown up and even thought of them as their child, but then suddenly Mirajane was going to get married without, their consent, and they couldn't accept it for a while.

It felt like their daughter had been stolen by a bad man since no dad felt happy when their daughter was being married by someone.

It was Wakaba and Macao's feeling at that moment.

Everyone, who heard Wakaba and Macao's words, nodded and also felt the same time.

However, they could do nothing since Mirajane didn't return, Mirajane's siblings also had already accepted this matter without trouble, and they also knew that they also couldn't do anything against Bourne, when their standing was too different.

Compared to Bourne, they were all only small magicians on the side, similar to the existence of a pebble on the street.

If they were being stepped by Bourne, then they might be able to hurt him, but if they were ignored, they couldn't do anything.

On the other hand, Gray, who had been listening to their conversation, let out a long sigh, drinking a rum slowly on the side.

"What's wrong? Do you feel unhappy too?" Cana asked.

After all, both Gray and Cana joined the Fairy Tail almost at the same time which caused their relationship to be quite close.

"No." Gray shook his head.

"Do you hate him?" Cana asked.

The "him" in Cana's mouth was Bourne and she was wondering whether Gray hated Bourne after beating him up until his face was strange.

"No, he has a right to hate me," Gray said, but didn't comment anymore. He knew that he didn't have a right to say anything about Bourne since he was the one who had destroyed everything. He also knew that he was the reason why Bourne was hated on this guild. He was wondering...

"Don't do something stupid, alright?" Cana suddenly asked.


Gray didn't say anything and only drank his rum.

While Natsu and Happy were clueless about marriage, thinking whether marriage was delicious or not, the female members of the Fairy Tail asked how was the relationship between Bourne and Mirajane to Lisanna.

Lisanna could helplessly answer them, but she didn't say much that her big sister had been eaten by that demon king.

They were on their own things, until the male members of Fairy Tail that was led by Wakaba and Macao came to Makarov who was drinking leisurely. After all, even if they talked badly about Bourne, they were afraid of him. They could say a lot of bad things to Bourne in their headquarters, but it was different if they met him, or rather they had never met him.

Bourne's identity was quite secretive and only some people with very high ranking and his employee that knew his face. He was low-key and didn't join a party which was being held by noble people that much.

Even if they complained, what could they do?

After all, a bunch of nobles were only normal people, even if there was a magician, they were too lazy to train, considering they didn't need to be strong.

Well, let's return to Fairy Tail, Makarov, who listened to everyone's complaint, didn't say anything, but he would be lying if he didn't feel jealous of Bourne since he knew that this guy was living in harem life, and Mirajane also loved him since he had asked this matter to both Elfman and Lisanna beforehand.

However, it seemed that it was necessary to meet Bourne, but he was afraid that he would be beaten up.

"Erza, can you follow me to Mr. Walter's house?" Makarov said.

"What? Me?" Erza's expression was unnatural and she was blushing. She was about to shake her head, but she nodded. "Yes, I don't mind, master."


Makarov frowned and wondered whether this was Bourne's revenge, thinking that he might steal all the girls in Fairy Tail.