Grimoire Heart 4

Hades had a big obsession against Zeref, the legendary dark magician, since in his mind, only Zeref was the one who capable of reaching the One, the original of all magic in this world.

Hades wanted to reach the One, but he knew that it was impossible, however, it was possible for him to replicate Zeref's magic, and his right eye was that replicated and in truth, his right eye was something that he was prepared to reach the One when he went to Tenrou Island.

Yes, Hades planned to go to Tenrou Island since that was the only place where he could summon Zeref.

His right eye was so powerful that he needed a seal to deactivate his right eye. It was also the reason why he always closed his right eye with an eye patch since it was the seal of his right eye.

If it was before, Hades didn't plan to open his right eye at all, however, he knew that he needed to do so now since his opponent was more dangerous than he had thought.

Unlike Zeref who mastered a lot of Dark Magic that was capable of killing everyone easily, the young man in front of him might not have mastered Dark Magic, however, his "water magic" was very powerful and it almost killed him.

Hades needed to get serious then kill him since if he didn't then he would be the one who was killed. Even though he believed he could win against Bourne, he still wanted to avoid being dragged into an ugly battle where all of his people were decimated and became weaker because of the wounds which were caused by Bourne.

"Can you see this? This is the magic I have developed by mimicking the legendary dark magician, Zeref." Hades looked at Bourne and said, "You don't have a chance to win so I will give you a chance. Become my subordinate and work for me or die!"


Bourne looked at Hades and said, "If you don't show this power then there might be a chance where we can step back and become allies, however, it is unfortunate that you have shown this power." He didn't hesitate and absorbed the energy from the sea which caused the ocean and the sky to tremble because of the sheer energy which was gathered around him.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

The sky turned dark, twisted, and giving off a feeling of oppression to anyone who was in this place.


Erik breathed heavily and looked at Zoldeo and Capicorn that had separated from each other. He saw how Zoldeo disappeared while screaming in fear and also looked at Capicorn that turned into a granule of light then disappeared.

Erik let out a sigh and felt glad that he had defeated Zoldeo since the more he fought Zoldeo, the more he was weakened and the more his mind almost succumbed to Zoldeo's magic, however, his poison was stronger and defeated Zoldeo faster.



Erik shuddered and looked at the ocean where he could feel a vile aura, however, there was another aura which made him feel that he was drowning and he couldn't do anything, helplessly entering a darkness.


Erik then woke up and didn't expect that he would enter an illusion, because of the magic power which was released by his boss.


"This aura..." Ur frowned since she remembered this aura very well.

"Ur, you should return," Ultear said, then she looked at everyone. "Bourne is going to be serious."

"Don't worry, Ultear-sama. Juvia believes that Bourne-sama won't hurt us," Juvia said with a smile.

Ultear smiled and nodded. "That's true."

Ikaruga, Mirajane, Sorano, Erza, and Lisanna also looked at the direction of the sea.

Not only Bourne's women, but all the people also looked toward the direction of the sea since Bourne's aura made their heart palpitated and their hands sweeted.


Elfman didn't expect that his brother-in-law would be this strong. He clenched his hands and swore that he would become even stronger!

Bluenote also stopped, and turned his attention toward the sea.

Gajeel and Macbeth who were fighting Bluenote together saw Bluenote turn his attention and ignore them, however they also realized why Bluenote ignored them since Bourne's aura at this moment were very scary.

Everyone who was watching Bourne at that moment, felt that they were watching the wrath of God of the Sea!


Bourne stared at Hades with eyes full of hatred.

If Hades didn't show his real power which was related to Zeref, then Bourne wouldn't think too much and might put a curse on Hades to make him work as a slave or something, however, if Hades was related to Zeref, then he wouldn't show mercy!

Hades felt something dangerous from Bourne and didn't hesitate to use his magic!


Nemesis was a spell found in Chapter 4, Section 12 of one of the Books of Zeref.

It was Hades's strongest spell and when he used it, every life would be erased.

By moving his hands and arms in a circular motion, Hades created Demons from fish, water, part of aircraft that was destroyed, etc.

There were so many demons that it could even reach tens of thousands in number!

Those demons were standing next to each other with a vile aura which was enough to make everyone feel terrified.


Hades knew that Bourne was dangerous and he needed to erase Bourne as soon as possible!

Hades had an unlimited amount of magic power since the magic generator on his aircraft wasn't destroyed yet and he could still use as much magic to defeat Bourne!

Hades then extended his hand, all fingers slightly bent, in the direction of Bourne and gathered Magic in it.

"Grimoire Ray!"


"Ocean Blast!"

Then in an instant a depth of up to three-meters, the sea water was vaporized all at once. This process was then being done several times, turning the water into steam, at the moment when steam was created, the power of the steam explosion was further enhanced by accelerating the molecules of water vapor, thus resulting in a powerful explosion!


In the area of 3 square kilometers wide horizontally and 20 meters high, an explosion was happening and destroyed everything.

With the heat around 3,000 degrees Celsius, this magic vaporized everything whether it was the demons which was created by Hades and Hades himself.


This scene was similar to the scene of the end of the world, the sea was trembling and roared because of this explosion!

Like a judgement from God itself, Hades roared in pain because his body turned into ashes because of the explosion, leaving this world and everything.

The explosion lasted for five seconds, but for everyone who saw it, they felt like it was happening for a long time.

Then when the explosion disappeared, the sea returned to its calm again and the dark cloud also disappeared, leaving the beauty of nature, and showing one figure that stood on the top of the ocean that made all of them smile since they knew that he had won.