Changed World

The year 2172, GA(Global Alliance), New World Zone, in a small alley inside New Horizon city. A handsome young man who seemed around his mid-twenties, with dark silver hair and bright silver eyes wearing strange clothes that seemed like they don't exactly belong to the era.

His body was glowing while he moved weirdly as if he isn't accustomed to some parts in his body.

That man was Nex.

"Damn" he cursed "I didn't expect that unsealing my emotions back can be so uncomfortable… Oh well, it probably won't disturb me much haha" he mindlessly laughed it off.

Looking around at where he is for a few minutes, and finally, understanding that he is at last back on earth. He began to gleefully roll around on the ground while kissing it and shouting: "finally I'm out of that godforsaken place!"

A very long time ago, Nex was summoned to a fantasy world named Perias. In the beginning, he was happy since as an orphan whose parents died early, he didn't want to stay in a place where he has nothing and no one except video games and movie. But, soon enough that dream became a nightmare, this so-called "happy fantasy" world was nothing more than a hellish place with full of malicious creatures and people. For quite a while he had to fight day after day against countless enemies, and no matter how much stronger and experienced he became, there was always someone with enough strength to ruin the quiet life he was trying to build and hurt the few good people he met.

And finally, after countless years of suffering, where he long had most of his emotions sealed in order to not go crazy and had grown stronger than any mortal dared to reach as failed try's to find some peace and quiet, he found a way to undo his curse and return home to Earth. By defeating the enemy of countless worlds and the one who would be his biggest nemesis, the Otherworldly Devil King Dramiel. The Devil King was strong, stronger than he ever imagined, and so he decided to train, and train, and train. Until he thought he was strong enough. And luckily he was right(By a bit too much) and he managed to finally defeat Dramiel and at last return to the good old Earth where there is no monsters or another fantasy-type element.

Or so he thought...

Suddenly during his happy celebration, Nex stop and sense something, something he was so familiar with that since a long time it can be considered a part of him. He ran to the street and there he saw something that fortified the fact he wanted to desperately deny. Walking normally on the street where seemingly regular people, although some walked with weapons and gear that seemed like they come out of fantasy, but didn't matter to him as what gave him despair was something else. It was the undeniable certain energy that was coming off everyone's body.


That's right, earth, Nex long lost home has gotten himself magic power while he was gone.

"Hey, you! Come with me to the station!"


The investigator in the police station didn't know what to do, half an hour ago arrived a man wearing clothes that didn't seem from this millennium, who was arrested for public disturbance which usually stands for a night in the cell, but because of the unusual attire and bizarre action's and the fact that this is the border area, it was decided to not take any chances and keep him for investigation.

Normally, in these situations, the investigated person only needs to show some identifications and answer some question in order to be released. But this person isn't showing signs of wanting to cooperate and just keep muttering things the investigator didn't understand under his breath.

"God damn it, I should have expected that from the beginning, now what should I do"(Nex)

"Excuse me? all you need is just show your ID and you can go back home"(investigator)

"Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!"

Having veins starting to pop up on his forehead, the investigator tried to keep calm without exploding with anger.

"And now I stuck in this place with this weirdo"(Nex)


Well, he tried.

"Huh? Me?"

Nex pointed on himself surprised(?).

While holding himself, back the investigator asked him again: "can you please take out your identifications?"

"ID?" Nex blinked and then smiled refreshingly.

The investigator who saw hope in that smile waited for him to continue.

"Of course I don't have any!"

"Why you little!"

Here's a fun fact about getting back your emotions after a long time like Nex.

"Ahh! Not the face!"(Nex)

It makes you(sometimes) a moron.


"So," the police station chief said while he looked at Nex "you don't have an ID nor an address, and you aren't even registered in the GA database. Do you even understand how suspicious does that sound?"

"I suppose so?"(Nex)

"Then what do you have to say for your defense?" the police chief asked.

'Damn! Who knew that unsealing emotions will give this kind of results? Anyway, let's give this guy something convincing.' As a person who experienced countless things, Nex managed to quickly recover from his previous "slip-up" and immediately came up with an answer.

"My name is Nexus, but you could call me Nex," he said with an assertive smile and then continued: "I lived on a distant island with my master until lately there I learned how to fight and growing stronger through something he called cultivation."

The police chief that although he hadn't sensed anything that indicates a lie from Nex body language and confidence, he couldn't help but furrow his brows and ask "Even though you said that you lived in the distant island, how do you expect that I will believe that you never did something so obvious like getting yourself an ID?.

After Nex heard that his face darkened and he replied while gritting his teeth, "Its all because of that old bastard! That delusional old man thought that we are some kind of "Earth last protectors" and that our existence is some kind of grand secret. And because of that, he didn't allow any kind of connection with the outer world and even proof that we exist like having a registered ID! Stuck on that island I had nothing to do besides training and watch an old tv show's from god's know where from! Do you know what it feels like to be stuck on a remote island since you a kid by a crazy bastard and his loon friends!?"

At this point, Nex face was streamed with tears while his eyes become bloodshot, and due to the crazed look in them, the police chief didn't dare to stop him.

"Do you know what was the worst? It wasn't unknowing of the outside world, nor was it the lack of thing to do there." Nex then took a deep breath as if to calm his raging(?) emotions and then he continued with a voice filled with anguish. "The worst thing was that except the old friends of that old son of a bi*ch, there were no females there. For the best years of my youth, I met no ladies anywhere close to my age. Tell me is this what would you call this aside from living hell!?"

Although feeling his eyes getting wet as well, the police chief still tried to keep his cool and asked: "how did you succeed to get away from there?"

Hearing the question Nex eyes brightened and he said.

"I ran away"

"Ran away?" the chief became confused "Didn't you said you were stuck on a distant island?"

"That right it was a secluded island" Nex nodded "But I have a special power of teleporting, I can teleport to a distance of a few kilometers several times in a row. The problem was that normally that there was always the old man and his friends to watch over me so that I won't escape, but to my luck they one day disappeared and after realizing that they may not come back soon I teleported like crazy till I arrived here to this city." he finished his 'story' and then added lastly." The reason for my earlier public disturbance was because I found out about the time gap between now and the time the show's I watched was quite large and their next season's air time are long since finished."

After hearing the whole story, the emotional chief still had one more point he wanted to make clear. "Although I trust your story, there is still one more thing I want to make sure even though it can be implied by what you said, are you a Hunter?" he asked with a serious face.

Nex, as if waiting for that moment confirmed, "is that what cultivators called? Anyway yes, I am, but I don't know how the levels here are divided, so I don't think I can answer you what my rank by what is normally judged." he said while scratching the back of his head.

"That's not a problem, as later after we will get you truth test about what you said and register you as a citizen, we will have someone explain you some basic world knowledge and then we will have you go to register as a hunter and have your ability tested at the hunter association."

"Thank you for trusting me"

Nex smiled happily and thanked the police chief while secretly thinking 'good thing it worked'.


After passing a truth-testing machine that which to Nex convenience used magic power to test changes in the magic power and through that indicate whether someone lying or not, a thing that to someone with an experience like Nex it wasn't a problem to change the results, he registered himself into the database and got himself an ID.

Next was the part he waited for the most, learning about the world and what happened in the last 100 and something years.


Hundred and fifty years ago, happen an event called "The Great Awakening", what happened in that event was that earth started to produce a new type of energy known as "Magic Power" and caused two great changes. The first one was the emergence of a new type of beings that can be divided into two major faction's Light and Dark.

The Light faction is made-up of Spirits which are living elements and nature force of Earth, and the magic beast's which are an evolved version of earth's animals. This group are friendly or natural toward humanity and are mostly lives together with them in society.

The Dark faction, on the other hand, was composed of demonic beings and devils, both of which are vile creatures that feed on destruction and death, they supposedly arrive from another dimension and use a type of energy called "Demonic Power" which they use to turn other beings into what called a Corrupted and another member of the Dark faction. Their hostility to humans and ones from the Light faction are great and will always try to kill them.

On the moment the Dark faction appeared, the world fell into chaos. They attacked mercilessly and destroyed whatever the saw, normal weapons were useless against them and the help that the Light faction who was just born could give was minimal. Numerous countries were destroyed and more have lost most of their population. At that moment that is seemed that no hope has left they emerged.

The Hunters.

A short time after Magic Power was introduced to the world, cultivation who was once considered something from novels has become reality. To most people it only made them live longer with a more healthy body, but to those who could break past this level will turn into a superhuman being who can directly fight the members of the Dark faction.

So along with the new force named as Hunters, the remaining people of the world united into one large alliance called Global Alliance(GA), which created the Hunter Association whose job was to fight and restrain those from the Dark faction and the Hunters who have misused their power. These newly created power managed to repel the Dark faction and had it fall back into the territory that they emerged from.

And so, after much loss, the war for survival has ended and the world has entered a time of peace. That, of course, expect minor attacks from the Dark faction. The hunters that didn't work directly for the alliance began creating their own organizations and attack group's that are hunting the Dark faction for their high-quality materials that can be gotten from their remains. The world has begun to advance forward and together with the changes to the world, technology has advanced into an unthinkable direction thanks to Magic Power and helps from the Light faction, stuff like the (almost)absolute truth machine that Nex went through before and new kinds of energy and health developments began to pop-up rapidly everywhere making the life quality reach a whole new level.

"And now, in the year 2172, the world has reached can be said to belong to a whole new age then what it was more than 100 years before." concluded the teacher from the police, a kind old man. Who smiled after his explanation and then asked Nex "do you have any question now? Because after this you are on your own in the outside world."

Nex nodded and said "yes I have one question, do you have now a VRMMO's games." he asked with zealous eyes.

The old man was surprised and then smiled amiably.

"Hoho, yes we have them. I personally played one and if may say they quite immersive."

Delighted, Nex almost danced from joy and further asked the old man. "Which one do you recommend me to play?"

The old man deepened smiled and he replied without a doubt: "I recommend without a doubt the new game that is soon coming out, I heard that its immersive ability is on the level of a real world."

Nex eyes widened and he asked earnestly "what's its name?"

Knowing that this question will come, the old man, while trying not to laugh from how serious Nex seems just now, answered:

"The game name is The Mythical Age."