Vs The Saint (Unedited)


A shockwave boomed as the two wooden swords clashed at each other.


Louis raised an eyebrow as he took a few steps and smirked at the sliver-haired man who did the same. Even though they were at the same level and Nex has greatly increased stats, the difference between their rank and raw power is far too great for both of them clash evenly like they just did.

"To think that a brat like you know [Strengthening Arts]," the old man scoffed and shook his head only to raise his gaze and stare at Nex with a grin, "No wonder you act so cocky. But too bad for you, it is not enough to even touch me."

"Maybe," Nex shrugged and then grinned back at Louis, only to disappear from where he was a moment after.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows and by instinct turned around instantly and swung his sword, only to have it to meet Nex powerful slash and be blasted back a few meters and almost lose his footing, but he didn't have time to waste as he lifted his sword and this time held it in a defensive stance and put as much strength as he could gather into it.


The sword clashed once again and to Louis shock, his sword and arms that weren't supposed to budge from Nex strength actually shook and the numb feeling started to spread from his palms!

He lifted his gaze in slight shock and saw Nex sneering face.

"But who said that [Strengthening Arts] is all can I do?"

"You brat…" Louis's eyes flashed and his frown turned back to mad grin as he started to do something as he didn't do since the start of the fight.

He started to use mana.

"Starting to show some muscles I see?" Nex smiled as he sensed the changes in Louis's body and quickly took a few steps back so that he was over 25 meters away from the old man in an instant.

"Futile," the old man snorted and swung his sword lightly.

Although the seemingly weak motion, a large mana wave was created and went at Nex direction like a tsunami while rapidly expanding in width, height, and speed, soon enough leaving Nex no way to retreat.

"So you're into showy attacks," Nex smirked and while holding the sword with just one hand, he swung it down in front of the mana wave that was about to reach him.

'[Martial Secret: Current Splitting]'

An arc of mana shot and split the wave into two parts so that each part passed by each side Nex and then connect back into one shortly after they passed Nex.

"But of course it will be childish if it was just this attack isn't it?"

Although he managed to easily deal with this attack, Nex sneered and didn't waste any time as he crouched his legs in order to jump and then a moment after shot upward like a bullet, meeting a much more concerted and powerful mana wave that appeared from above head-on.

'[Martial Secret: Cloud Reaching Pierce]'

As Nex stabbed his sword while shooting into the air, a sword light was shot out and actually managed to pierce and dissipate the mana wave without stopping!

Not being bothered by the mana wave anymore, Nex flew into the air unhindered and reached with his sword at the surprised Louis who was mid-air and just managed to block the sword light.


As Louis barely managed to block Nex full of momentum sword, he had no choice but to be thrown at least a dozen of meters into the air.

"Damn brat! Don't get full of yourself yet!"

Louis cursed and swung his sword downward shot a giant torrent of sword energy that instantly reached were Nex was and swallowed his body without stopping and a moment after reaching the ground and caused an explosion that covered over 30 diameters of the area around it!

But Louis didn't even reach the end of his flight momentum before his expression changed and he heard a very distinct sound coming from the air around him.

The sound of stepping and jumping.

"Damn you-" he tried to turn around and meet the attack but before he could an immense force rammed into his side and he shot into the ground like a meteor.



Everyone watching the fight had their eyes widened as they saw the Sword Saint being smashed like a ragdoll while being mid-air and then hitting the center of the arena so hard that a small crater was formed in the arena that could handle most early and mid-level Second Awakeners.

"The hell…" Frank murmured and his eyes widened. Even though his power his lowered to a pitiful amount, Sword Saint Louis was never the one to get beaten like that! Not to mention by someone who wasn't even Second Awakening yet!

"Dafne," he turned to his wife, "Are you sure that man Power-Rank hasn't risen to at least the Lord Rank?"

"Yes," the middle-aged lady nodded solemnly, she honestly didn't think she would see such unbelievable power from that seemingly young and childish man, especially with the power level he owned! "As a Traveler, he isn't capable of getting a Rank yet, and I thoroughly checked his power after he used the Equality Crystal, all his power rose by less than two and a half aside from his mana that rose by a little more than two and a half and in addition, it seems that he has a Traveler Ability that enabled his power to rise by 50 percent when he is against high ranked opponent."

"That still doesn't make sense," Frank shook his head and stared with a sharp gaze at Nex who landed on the ground and began to do stretching without turning his gaze away from the dust cloud where Louis was, "His overall power is still weaker than Mister Louis's by many times, supposedly, with his strength, even if he attacks with all of his strength he will still get easily blocked by Mister Louis. And yet he is able to fight against him evenly and even deal a blow to him!"

"There are two reasons for that," Joseph suddenly said without turning his head away from the arena and attracted the gaze of every one who watched from the side, "One, is that the level of technique and battle experience this man has is so high that they may even rival and surpass Mister Louis himself, the only reason we didn't notice it sooner is because of his young appearance and attitude."

"And as for the second," Joesph and soon after everyone else concentrated their gaze to the dust cloud that began dissipate and instead is replaced by a terrifying aura that started to send shock wave and sharp feeling across the arena.

Slowly, a figure rose from the center of the carter and stared at Nex with a serious gaze that seemed like it could cut everything. It seemed that the Sword Saint suddenly became much younger as he seemed taller and more fit as he stood straight.

He then swung his sword to the side and shockingly, the area of the swung was suddenly filled by not just one but dozen of cut marks the sliced deep into the durable arena.

Seeing the Sword Saint he didn't saw in a long time, Joesph smiled and got ready to watch the real fight that was about to begin.

"That old man didn't use his real power yet."


"So you finally decided to take it seriously huh?" Nex smiled as he stared at the old man moving his shoulders and neck so that knacking sound could be heard, "I thought you would pull a muscle while moving around like that."

"Ha!" Louis smirked indifferently, "If I would pull a muscle from something like that I would have died during the first time I swung a sword. I am a lazy person kid, I don't use power more than what I need or else I would have finished this fight on the first moment."

"Is that so?" Nex smile got wider and he laughed, "Well then, it seems that we have something in common old man."

"Haha! It seems we do!" Louis laughed as well and then turned his face to a serious one, "Let us show each other some power then!"

He swung his sword and instead of just one arc of sword energy, dozens of arcs were shot out in groups toward Nex slicing through the ground like it was butter and appearing in front of him in an instant.

"Is that all?" Nex smiled and slashed his sword from an unsheathing stance.

'[Martial Secret: Repeated Mana Break]'

Invisible waves came out one after another as Nex swung his sword and destroyed the sword arcs while advancing forward and causing the ground to shake and crack. Eventually reaching Louis who swung his sword response and shot out a giant mana wave that seemed to come out endlessly and clash with Nex waves.


The two opposing forces met and caused a giant explosion to occur and raised a dust cloud that momentarily hid the two fighters.


And less than a moment after a sound of clashing was heard and the dust was dispersed instantly, revealing Nex who flew back after clashing swords with Louis.

"Big Bro!"

"Big Brother!"


Distressed voices could be heard from Nex group as Nex flew back and hit the ground only stopping after he stabbed his mana-enchanted sword into the ground. He then gave his friends a tumb-up to signal his friends that he is okay while holding back the blood in his throat.

He then quickly pulled his sword out and disappeared from where he was as a moment after Louis appeared and stabbed his sword into where he just was, causing the area around the old man to break down and explode.


"Is that all you got?" the old man turned to where Nex appeared and asked, but the moment he finished his words, Nex appeared in front of him at a speed far greater than before and swung his sword at him.

The surprised Louis quickly rose his sword to block but before he managed to do more a frightening force struck his sword and threw him off balance and immediately after he was blasted backward as he received a kick to the stomach.

"Oh?" the old man stabbed his sword into the ground as Nex did earlier and stopped his himself while coughing out blood, he then lifted his gaze and stare at Nex who stood away with some kind of weird force surrounding his body.

'[Mana Body]'

Nex began to move toward Louis who already stood up and began to move toward him as well and in instant, both of them clashed once again and began to exchange with each other blows.




The two seemed evenly matched as they clashed sword again and again with Nex actually managing to keep up with Louis powerful attacks using a far superior technique and instincts, not only that, he was actually able to land a few hits on the old man and cause blood to come out of the corner of his mouth, throwing the watchers into unimaginable shock!

It was the Sword Saint Louis! One of the strongest swordsmen in the kingdom and its surroundings! To be able to keep up with his attacks with lower-level physical powers and even land hits that wound him using technique and experience, anyone who would hear that would be sure that Nex is some reincarnation of a war god and not an unfamiliar nobody!

"Damn you brat!"

Not willing to be treated like a training dummy any longer, Louis growled and slashed his sword strongly with a slightly different pose than before and clashed his sword with Nex's.


Several noises similar to numerous attacks hitting at once along with a sound of breaking glass were heard, followed by Nex blasting backward strongly and only stopping after a few dozen meters by creating a wall of mana to crash into and stop him before he stopped in place.

"So that is why they call you Master of the Endless Sword huh?" Nex landed back on the ground and stared at Louis with a smirk before he started to cough out blood as several cuts appeared on his body and caused more blood to pour out.

"Big Brother!"


"Big Bro!"

"Don't worry! this is some minor wounds!" Nex ignored his opponent to everyone shock and turned to his group and spoke to them with a warm smile and his injuries suddenly shone and then seemed to disappear when the light dimmed, "That Old Man can't really harm me!" he focused his gaze on Jane that just stared at him silently with a seemingly cold expression, "I promise."

Hearing his words Jane face softened and then became complicated in the end she nodded at him and moved her mouth voicelessly saying a single word.


Nex smiled and mouthed thank you before turning back and stared at Louis who looked at him with a strange expression, "Thanks for giving me time to do it."

"You…" but Louis didn't care much about it as he stared at Nex as if he was a madman.

"You willing to go that far just for some kids. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Nex didn't really recover from his injuries or pretended he got them, he really was injured and quite badly at that. What Nex did is to forcibly sew his wounds and closed them using mana and then he cast illusion spell that made the closed wounds invisible and unseen. But closing the wounds like that in the middle of the battle is madness as the pain from the wounds will intensify greatly as these kinds of "stitches" aren't meant to be used in battle as the wounds will be constantly forced to stay closed when the user moves or use a great amount of mana in the wound area!

"Yeah, it's quite a bad side in me," Nex nodded in agreement and then moved his body as if to get used to his current sensation, and while ignoring pain so great that other people will already lose conscious from shock, he held his sword back in a stance and smiled, "Let's continue, we are getting close to the end."

"..." Louis's lips twitched at Nex action and he became whole with the fact that he is fighting a crazy man while entering a stance back as well, "How did you survive until now is a miracle."

"I know."

And along with these words, they unleashed their attack at each other.


Two frightening sword waves were shot toward each other and collided with a huge explosion that shook the arena and made no one sure who won in the exchange.

But at the next moment, everyone suddenly realized that Nex disappeared from where he was and before they knew it he already appeared above Louis and swung his sword down, only for his sword to pass through the afterimage of the said person and smash the ground underneath it with a blast.


"Got you now!"

Louis' cry was heard as he appeared behind Nex and slashed his sword in a way similar to earlier causing numerous slashes to shot toward the latter. But strangely enough, the attacks went through Nex just as they did with him and cut into the ground like it was of tofu.

"Two can play this game!"

And before he was able to do anything he suddenly heard Nex voice following by a wooden sword that smashed into his side strongly, breaking half of his ribs and blasting him toward the end of the arena.

But Louis wasn't someone who would fall just from that, while he was mid-flight his figure suddenly disappeared, causing Nex who followed it in order to deal another blow to stop in place and without any previous warning swung his sword at a random direction.


Once again the swords met with a loud sound and the two stared at each other before Louis grinned and lifted his other hand and swung it down at lightning speed.


Nex jumped backward from the hit while a crashing sound was heard as the shields he made broke and a gruesome wound appeared across his torso, but before the blood came out, Nex gritted his teeth and the wound shone before disappearing like it never existed.

"Still have power in you?" Nex wiped the blood that trickled from the side of his mouth and smiled, while on the inside he fought to keep his conscious under control, his current body isn't able to handle this much stress and he will probably be able to hold on only a few more seconds.

"I could say the same to you, "kid"," Louis wasn't in any better state as blood continuously flowed from his mouth and most of his vitals and bones in the upper body are in a very bad situation.

I guess it is time to finish it then.

They didn't need to speak in order to deliver each other this message as they each got into a stance and stared at each other for a moment before releasing their attacks at the same time.

"Endless Slash!"

"[Fusion Art]! [Dominating Sword Light]!"

From Louis sword, a wave after wave of mana arcs was shot and constantly packed together and fused into what would seem to who is standing in front of it as a gigantic asterisk-like shape that endlessly got more and more lines across its center.

While on the other side, Nex stabbed his sword forward using whatever mana he could afford and unleashed a searing silver light that seemed like it was a shooting star as it cut through the air and met Louis attack head-on.


A blinding explosion appeared and for a few moments of silence after, nothing could be seen through the dust cloud that was created from the clash of the attacks and the residual mana in the air.

And when the dust cloud cleared, two figures could be seen standing up in front of each other with a similar smile on their face. But when if you look around them you will understand that their state isn't one you could smile at.

"Big Brother!"

"Big Bro!"



Although it seemed like he didn't have any serious injuries on him, the area filled with fresh blood and the ruined clothes clearly say otherwise.


"How can it be!?

"Mister Louis!"

While on the Sword Saint side, all of the viewers became shocked as they saw the legendary Sword Saint's body filled with wounds with a vicious hole at the center of the chest that was deep enough for the shattered ribs to be seen.

"It's been a while since I had a fight like that," Louis grinned while blood flow out of his mouth, "Never thought I would meet a freak like you out of nowhere."

"Yeah, I've been told have a talent of popping out of nowhere like that," Nex smiled wryly, "But yeah, it was quite a good fight. You almost got me there."

"You should use a better joke than this one," Louis sighed and then stared deeply at Nex.

"You, what is your name?"

Nex smirked at the question and after a moment answered back.


"Nexus, huh?" as he said these words his eyes began to dim and he only managed to say a few more words before he crashed into the ground.

"Don't make a mess from this kingdom."

"Don't worry," Nex smiled before lying on his back as his breathing slowed.

"This place is something I once yearned for a very long time ago."