The Secret To His Love(Unedited)

"Sister Jane! Sister Jane! Don't you think this dress will look beautiful on Sister Celes?"

Elise excitedly ran around the store and picked whatever dress she thought looked good and showed it excitedly to the two older ladies, "I think the color is very fitting to her eyes and hair! What do you say?"

"Mhm!" Jane nodded with a warm smile at the joyful girl, "I think it would fit her as well!"

"Right?" Elise's smile widened and she ran back to search for more clothes.

"Thank you," Jane sighed and turned to Celes who stood next to her with a similar expression, "She couldn't be like that normally with her identity, and we couldn't hang around like that even if it wasn't the case when considering the fact that men can be bastards."

"Sure, no problem," Celes smiled.

After Celes arrived at the shopping center and met with Jane and Elise, they sent Nex back home and told him to pick-up Eddie after he finished at school so that they will not be bothered. Immediately after, Celes used a spell that made them unnoticed from people's eyes and so not being bothered by a constant flux of guys that wanted to hit on them. Making Elise and Jane who were always disturbed by such things to sigh in relief and act more freely.

"Sister Celes! Sister Celes!" Elise once again ran back and showed several dresses to Celes, "Don't you think this would look good? You can even wear it when your belly starts to show!"

"It is very beautiful," Celes smiled softly, "But this is just the first store and there are many more places we could go to and since I see that you are better than me in picking clothes, how about you go and search the place for the best stores and then come back to lead us there? In addition, since you are Nex precious disciple I want to give you a surprise and I need Jane who knows you to help me pick something good to give you. Is that okay?"

"Okay!" although she pouted a little on the inside, Elise knew that Celes wanted to speak with Jane about something important she could somewhat guess what was it about. In addition since Celes come from the same background as her Teacher, she is very expectant for what surprise she would get!

"She is a very good kid," Celes smiled at the distancing Elise and turned to Jane, "But it is too early for her to hear our talk."

"Talk?" Jane had a strange face as for some reason something in Celes's words seemed a bit off, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You must have wondered why did Nex still acted romanticly and told you he loved you right in front of me when he clearly didn't seem like this kind of guy, didn't you?" Celes straight away fired off a question that made Jane very flustered, and she didn't stop yet, "Or what was the reason he had to leave me when we clearly love each other? Or most importantly, why did someone who lived as long as Nex fell in love with you in the short time you met?"

"I…" Jane's face was flushed and she was at a loss for how to answer or even react to those questions. But she had to admit that she was disturbed by them ever since they rose and almost constantly pondered about them.

"Well, let's start from the first one," Celes smiled as if she knew what going in the mind of the girl, "The answer for this is very simple, the reason why Nex said he loved you when you two were right in front of me is because I made him act like that and love other women than me."

"You convinced him to act like that?" Jane was clearly confused and she stared at the ex-goddess with a strange gaze, "You clearly love him and he loved you as well, why did you do it?"

"Because he was suffering," Jane saw Celes's expression dim for the first time and turn into a sad one, "He was fighting for his life every day while constantly seeing innocent people die in front of his eyes. For someone with a heart as good as him, this was unbearable and he was closing in at the brink of insanity. And because I was a goddess that was stuck inside the Gods Realm, most of the time I couldn't do anything other than giving him a few words of consolation."

"So even though I loved him, I understood I have to go against his will this time so that I will not lose him for good."

"And so I found myself constantly encouraging him to get into a relationship with another woman, even though he wanted to be loyal to his love to me. Normally such things would not have worked on him no matter how much I tried, but since he was in such a tough place I finally managed to lower his guard a bit and make him sleep with another woman."

Jane listened from the side in shock and had a hard time digesting what she just heard, 'She clearly loved him and yet she made him be with someone else, just what kind of state Nex was back then to make her take such step?'

"At first it seemed that he managed to release a little," Celes smiled bitterly as she remembered the distant past, "But unfortunately or maybe fortunately, the woman was killed before Nex could really develop feelings for her. It was at that moment I remembered that the curse that was the cause for Nex suffering isn't going to let him have a quiet life."

"I understood that it will probably be like that for a very long time, so I instead of letting him develop a relationship with a certain woman, I instead made him sleep with someone to release as much as possible of his bottled-up emotions before quickly making him leave so that he will not develop feelings."

"Of course it didn't go smoothly and there were times where feelings were made between Nex and the girl," Celes said with a wry expression, "I knew it was for the best of Nex if I separated them, but I was a foolish girl that wanted her love to not suffer. So when I saw Nex being happy there were times I couldn't bring myself to stop it and instead let it continue until the inevitable happened and I saw him break a little more."

"At some point when I saw him leaving women immediately after sleeping with them before even letting me convince him to do it, I realized that he knew what was my intentions and that he always loved me the most and that the reason he did it at the start was because he didn't want me to worry, but since he became along the way broken, there were parts of him that yearned for love that he couldn't get from me."

"When I became aware of this he already shut himself down from almost everyone and didn't dare to get emotionally close to someone else anymore. I hated myself for this because I knew that it was my fault and thought that Nex will probably won't be able to bring himself to love someone new again."

"And then, when I thought that I ruined Nex, Ariana appeared," Celes smiled as if she remembering a very good friend that she couldn't meet anymore, "She wasn't bothered by the curse and she didn't care about Nex mental state either. She just forced herself on him and made him be with her whether he liked it or not, while I tried to deal with his problems indirectly and make sure he doesn't lose himself, she just smashed with his negative emotions head-on and made him get rid of them so that he will only be happy and smiling when he is with her. If it wasn't for her, Nex would not be always smiling and positive like he is now."

"When I saw how he slowly becomes more positive even with his sealed emotions, I was so excited that I didn't mind sharing Nex love with Ariana forever, especially when I saw that she fill the empty parts inside him that yearned for a love that I never succeeded filling."

"I see," Jane nodded with a blank upon realizing that one of her questions were resolved, "So his love for me come from the empty and broken parts inside him that you cannot give fill."

"I hope you don't mind that," Celes nodded with apologizing expression, and then added with a pleading tone, "Even though it sounds he only partly love you, I can assure you as the one who knows him the most that his feelings for you are sincere and come from the depth of his heart. So I request you with all of my heart, please don't leave him or be mean to him for this, he went through too much to deserve any more pain and misery."

"Don't worry," Jane seemed to wake up and she smiled at Celes, "I won't leave him as long as you don't mind sharing me with the father of your child," she then added with a wink, "That no-good is too handsome to let go after all."

"Fufu~ that, he is," Celes giggled and smiled sincerely at Jane, "Thank you, I know very well that it isn't easy accepting something like that."

"It's fine," Jane shook her head, "I should be the one that needed to say it."

"Now that we cleared that out," Celes clapped her hands with a smile, "It's time to move on to the answer of the second question, the reason why Nex had to leave me."

"Why did it happened?" Jane asked with a curious face, "From what I can see you and Nex loved each other and there was nothing that could put you two in danger anymore, so why in the end did Nex leave you?"

"Because I couldn't come with him," Celes sighed sadly, "Nor could I stay with him."

"I was at the time one of the main gods of Perias. And like all of the main gods, I got something called Prime Divinity, it basically a mark that connects me to the core of the dimension and gives great authority over it, but because of that I was not allowed to leave Perias area or else I will die, so leaving to Earth with Nex was out of the question."

"And as for him staying with me, that was impossible as well. The Prime Divinity and the core of Perias behind it feard Nex's new power more and more to the point that before he left, they showed signs of wanting to explode me in order to finish him off."

"We couldn't remove the Prime Divinity for it would kill me the moment we would try. And as for the Core of Preias that controlled the Prime Divinity, destroying it or even just causing harm to it will cause unimaginable amounts of destruction and death to dimension, something neither of us would have wanted."

"Nex knew it very well and in order to put out of harm way, he decided to leave to Earth after saying one last goodbye."

"...If the situation was that bad, then how did you manage to come here to Earth?" Jane asked what was on her mind after a moment of silence, she could only imagine how hard was for the two to separate while thinking they will never see each other again.

"That is very simple," Celes smiled while lovingly caressing her belly, "When we were "saying" our last goodbye to each other," upon hearing this Jane blushed completely red, "Nex poured his "essence" into me, and the Prime Divinity inside of me was completely devoured by it. Not only making me human but also allowing me to retain my powers and abilities and go to Earth after Nex."

"Sound like a good ending," although slightly flustered, Jane still smiled at Celes who had a warm expression on her face while feeling slightly jealous on the inside.

"After all we have been through, it is the best I could have expected," Celes said with sincere joy. And then after a few moments, she suddenly seemed to wake up and turned back Jane.

"I almost forgot! I didn't give you an answer to the third question!"

"Oh, that?" Jane blushed but her expression didn't falter. After learning so much about Nex, she couldn't comprehend how someone like her could possibly earn so seemingly easily the love of someone who been through so many things like Nex, "Can you please tell me?"

"Of course I can," Celes smiled gently, "I want you to understand how important you are for Nex."

"Do you remember when I said that Nex had a part inside him that I can't fill and Ariana could? I always thought that there was only this part. That was until I saw you two earlier."

"When I saw you two I realized I forgot a very important something that was needed to be done before Nex returned to Earth. Nex needed to wake up from his time on Preias and start a new life on Earth. And from what I see you did it quite well."

"No, no, it can't be that," Jane shook her head, "When I met him, he clearly acted normal and aside from the state emotions there was nothing weird about him. Even after I berated him for hurting himself and when we confessed to each other, aside from slightly higher happiness there wasn't any change in his behavior I noticed."

"It does seem like that right?" Celes expected this answer and smiled, "But I can assure you that you did something neither me or Ariana ever did. You made him open his heart again."

"Again, I don't think it's like that," Jane shook her head in confusion, "From the moment I met him he always was amiable and-"

"And open to those around him, right?" Celes completed her words with a smile, "It may have seemed like that because of his personality, but the truth is, that even with his now unsealed emotions, once people will be close to him for enough time they will notice that he will always keep a certain distance away from them and don't let them get too close to him emotionally. Let me ask you a question before he confessed to you, did he ever truly shared an experience he had in Preias or helped someone without sharing the toll with someone else?"

"No," Jane shook her head as she started to realize what Celes meant, "Now that you say it, Nex did start sharing his experience only after we confessed."

"That is because he still had some of the mindset he had in Preias until you woke him up. You made him realize that there is nothing he should fear from and that all he needed to do now is to enjoy his life. Ariana and I tried to do this for a very long time but we never came close to what you did so easily."

"But why was I able to do it?" Jane asked with all her heart, "I didn't know him for as long as you nor was I as close to him. So how did I manage to reach him so easily?"

"Because you can fill the empty part inside him that may have needed to be filled the most," Celes said with a serious expression, "I will always remind him of Preias and I probably can say the same thing about Ariana. You, on the other hand, represent to him a fresh new life that he could live in peacefulness without having much to worry about, and there is a reason why it was you and not anyone else from Earth. Because you can instantly see through his heart and know what kind of state his emotions are and yet you still love him. Since he is aware of that, there is not much choice to him other than responding to you directly with similar emotions!"

"So you are saying that Nex loves me because he can sense my feelings of love so as a result, he returned me the same feelings?" Jane asked with a bitter voice while her mood took a turn for the worst.

"Don't say it like that," Celes shook her head with a smile, "It may sound easy to do as long as you have power like yours, but the truth is that even if you bring someone else with ten-time more the sensing power and beauty, Nex wouldn't even bat an eyelid to them and even close himself to them. Why do you think someone as powerful as Nex would allow you to look into his emotional state? Of course, it's because he liked you from the beginning! If there is something Nex developed over the years to a very high level is his ability to see through people and see their essence they are. So from the moment he saw you, he knew what kind of person you are and because of that, he allowed you to see his inner self."

"He knew you are a very good person with a beautiful soul that although her hard life and problems she still stand tall against the world. Along with how you see straight through his emotions and access the empty and locked parts inside himself and fill them with your love, you can say you are his ideal type that even without his unsealed emotions he would have confessed to you sooner or later! You should be very proud of yourself, over the many years that moron lived for, the only ones who were able to do it are me, Ariana, and his mother. "

"So you are basically saying that I and that no-good have good chemistry?" Jane sighed in tiredness after she seemed to start to understand the whole picture, "To think that my first love is so messy that I would need my pregnant rival to explain it to me."

"I don't think you need to call me rival," Celes giggled, "Didn't I just told you? That moron loves us both from the bottom of his heart and our love to him fill the empty parts inside him that the other can't fill. Not only we don't need to fight against each other for him, but we can also even help each other as partners. It can't be that bad right?"

"Although it will require some getting used to, you probably right," Jane sighed and then smiled at Celes, "And since we are probably going to spend the future with each, I guess we should now start to get to know each other since we didn't seem to do it yet."

She then gave Celes her hand, "Hello! My name is Jane and I hope that my love will not come between yours."

"Hello to you too Jane!" Celes said with a radiant smile and shook her hand, "My name is Celes and I hope that I will not hurt your love because of mine as well!"